interior impact

NPC News

military scholarship recipient

Military Service Scholarship

October 28, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) student, Nick Cullen received the Military Service Scholarship this semester. The $1000 scholarship is provided by Bob and June Luciew of Hot Springs Village. The Luciews are committed to helping students who have served in the armed forces complete their education. Mr. Luciew served in the U.S. Navy and Mrs. Luciew had a career as a registered nurse. They established a $50,000 endowment in 2014 after attending an NPC graduation ceremony where they witnessed a large number of veteran students stand and be recognized. Mrs. Luciew said, “I just knew we had to do something to contribute. These men and women have sacrificed so much for all of us. Helping them complete a degree and move into a career path is the least we can do. He has offered his appreciation for the scholarship, but we would like to say ‘thank you’ to him for his service to our country.”

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PEO members with scholarship recipient

PEO Chapter CH Helps Student Find Her Path to Physics

October 21, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The Philanthropic Educational Organization (PEO) Chapter CH scholarship was awarded to Stevie Renee Wells this semester. The $1000 scholarship is dedicated for non-traditional female students who may have been over looked by other scholarships. Wells graduated a year early from Lake Hamilton High School, earning a full academic scholarship to Arkansas Tech University (ATU). After struggling to connect with a major and working full time, she lost her scholarship and dropped out of college. Wells spent years in the workforce where she was able to understand her strengths and weaknesses and identify her passion for math and science.

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Students receive sholarships

Students Awarded Mahlon Grigsby Scholarship

October 14, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – Two National Park College (NPC) students received the Mahlon Grigsby Scholarship this semester. The $2000 scholarship was awarded to Keanna Peck and Riley Goad. Both Peck and Goad are studying criminal justice at NPC and attended the dedication of the newly named Legacy Hall Thursday. Pictured left are Riley Goad and Keanna Peck beside Mahlon Grigsby’s plaque inside the building. Peck is from a military family and has traveled the world. She believes her diverse experiences will help her with her dream to serve children in the juvenile justice system. She has served as a volunteer intern with the Garland County Juvenile Court and is active on campus working with TRiO student support services and student ambassadors. Goad chose criminal justice because of his father’s influence as a police officer. His dream is to use his career in law enforcement to save lives and make the world a better place every day. He serves as Vice President of the Student Government Association and says “hard work” is what he loves more than anything.

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Hawthorne Scholarship

Hawthorne Scholarship Changes Lives

October 7, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – Four National Park College (NPC) students received the Bob and Doris Hawthorne Scholarship this semester. The $1250 scholarship was awarded to Cristian Navarrete, Katherine Hardister, Jamie Lynn and Alyssa Clayton. The Hawthornes are passionate about giving back to the Hot Springs community and have chosen to do that by helping students who want to improve their lives with education. They established an endowment in 2009 and have since awarded over 20 scholarships worth approximately $30,000 to NPC students. Director of Development, Sara Brown said, “I first met the Hawthornes when they were looking for ways to help students in our area. They adopted Hot Springs and the surrounding area as their home. They love Hot Springs and were so excited to help make that extra difference that our students often need to be successful. They stated that they wanted to provide help in the region in which they live and help ‘those who want to go further’.”

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motorcycle club scholarship

Diamond Lakes Defenders Announce Scholarship Award

August 11, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) criminal justice student, Keanna Peck has been selected to receive the Diamond Lakes Defender First Response scholarship this year. Peck is entering her second year in the criminal justice program at NPC. She is passionate about pursuing a career in law and hopes to use her skills to help troubled youth though juvenile court. She has worked as an intern for the Garland County Juvenile Court, and recently completed a summer internship with Congressman Bruce Westerman in Washington, D.C. The $500 award was presented to Peck Tuesday by members of the Diamond Lakes Defender Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Paul Calcagno, president, Harold Woody, treasurer, and Mike and Linda Roberts, members. The Defenders Motorcycle Club began in 2004 and includes chapters all over the United States. Members are active and retired law enforcement, military, emergency services and public safety personnel.

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Foundation Chair, Les Warren

Les Warren Elected Foundation Chair

July 21, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Foundation hosted their quarterly board meeting Thursday in the Southside Student Center. Les Warren presided over his first meeting as the newly elected Foundation Board Chair. Warren was elected to the seat in April, following past Chair Raymond Wright. Foundation Vice Chair, Dennis Smith and Secretary/Treasurer, Bill Creason were also elected in April. Other members of the Foundation Board include Franklin Bass, Laryssa Blunt, Mike Bush, Caroline Campbell, Sally Carder, Brenda Cox, Denise Davis, Ted Ericson, Ann Hair, John Hogan, Bob Megahan, Don Munro, Lance Porter, Senator Bill Sample, Bryan Smith, Gary Troutman, and Representative John Vines. Warren expressed his appreciation to past Chair Raymond Wright for his vision and leadership. He presented Wright with a commemorative gavel.

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Lorem ipsum

NPC Continues to Expand Transfer Options for Students

April 27, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) held their regular monthly meeting Wednesday, April 27. Items for report included updates on new degrees and transfer agreements, campus development and events. The Board welcomed new hire, Cari Elliott. Mrs. Elliott is the new graphic artist for External Relations.

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Style Show

SPSF Hosts Style Show for Scholarships

April 6, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The Single Parent Scholarship Fund (SPSF) of Garland County will host the seventh Annual Style Show for Scholarships Luncheon April 14 at 11:30 a.m. at The Hills at Belvedere. style show modelsThe style show will include collections from Chantilly, Pink Avenue, Accessory Gallery, Grow, and Christi’s Boutique. Tickets are $30 per person and includes lunch courtesy of Special Touch Catering. The event will feature stories from two NPC students impacted by this scholarship and includes a silent auction, door prizes, and a cash wine bar. Proceeds will benefit the SPSC of Garland County. The SPSF of Garland County provides scholarships to men and women of Garland County who demonstrate financial need, are single parents and enrolled in a post-secondary educational course of study leading to a diploma, certificate, or degree. SPSF of Garland County scholarships encourage students’ success by providing financial assistance that can be used for transportation, child care, medical expenses, school supplies, books and fees, and housing.

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Lorem ipsum

GCSPSF Awards 2016 Scholarships

March 17, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Garland County hosted a reception last week for students who were awarded a scholarship for the 2016 spring semester. The program was held in the Southside Student Center at National Park College. Recipients and their families were invited to attend. Dr. John Hogan presented opening remarks and several students shared their stories. The committee approved 17 students to receive the $750 scholarship award, totaling $12,750. Five of the students are first time recipients and all are full time students. 15 of the recipients attend National Park College and two attend Henderson State University.

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Lorem ipsum

Oaklawn Foundation Awards Scholarship to Nursing Student

March 3, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) nursing student, Dulce Olivia Diaz was awarded a $1,500 scholarship from the Oaklawn Foundation for the spring semester. Diaz is 22 years old and the oldest of five children. She immigrated to the United States with her single mother as a small child. She is proud to be a first generation college student. Though her mother only completed a sixth grade education, she motivated Diaz to achieve her college degree. It is important to her that she set an example for her younger siblings and honor the sacrifices her mother made so she could pursue her dreams. Diaz has worked extremely hard to be successful in school while maintaining a full-time job to help with expenses. Once she began nursing school, the workload was too much and she had to reduce her work to part-time.

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