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Campus closed

NPC will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.


The Lending Library

interior impact

Our Lending Library is up and running.  We have all of the curriculum sets for the Adventures in Learning and the Adventures for Toddlers ready to go.  Each set has all (or most) of the books suggested in the weekly lesson plan, and a copy of the weekly curriculum plans.  We also have supplemental materials that correspond with the various topics.  All of our big books are cataloged and ready for checkout along with some music CD’s.  Please call us if you are interested in checking out any of these materials.  This is a free service to you.  We will require a few things before checkout:

  • You must have a current Provider form filled out and on file with our office.
  • Only the Director/Owner of a licensed child care facility will be able to check out materials.
  • You will need to sign a borrowing agreement stating you are responsible for the materials you borrow.

We are adding to the library catalog every day so if there is something you are looking for give us a call and we’ll try to help. 


Adventures for Toddlers

Books and Movement: A Magical Mix


Connecting with Infants


Adventures in Learning

Books and Movement: A Magical Mix

Connecting Literature and Math


Creative Adventures in Literature

Special Olympics Young Athletes

Informational Books in the Preschool Classroom