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NPC will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.


Student Handbook: Enrollment and Attendance

Students working at desks

Enrollment Information

Eleventh and twelfth grade students are eligible to enroll in all training areas.  Students may enroll in the center's programs by contacting their home school counselor or principal. All students, including returning students, must complete an enrollment application before being considered for admission in any of the training areas.

Priority in enrollment is given to students as follows:

  1. returning, second year students (in the same program of study);
  2. first year juniors;
  3. first year seniors.

Enrollment is limited in each of the training areas. Due to space restrictions and safety concerns, students may be asked to choose an alternate training program or alternate time. In the event there are more applicants for a section than available seats additional enrollment criteria will be followed. Each program area has other specific criteria that are used to determine enrollment. These criteria are listed with the program descriptions. The final determination of enrollment in any of the programs will be at the discretion of the program instructor and the center director.

Attendance Policy

To maintain acceptable progress, regular and prompt attendance is expected. Students should make every effort to be in class on time and prepared to work. Absences and tardies are submitted daily by the program instructor to the center director's office and the home school. 

NPC Career Academy follows the attendance policy of National Park College. The NPC attendance policy states that a student must be present 85% of the time in order to maintain satisfactory progress. Based on this policy, NPC Career Academy allows students a total of fourteen (14) absences each semester. NPC Career Academy does not recognize excused or unexcused absences. Home school closures do not count as student absences. Any absences over seven (7) days in a semester will result in the student losing the ability to be exempt from the final exam.

The student's parents/guardian and home school will receive a written notice from the center when a student reaches the seventh (7th) and (12th) absences of the semester. Parents are to contact the center director after notice of the (7th) absence.  A second parent contact to the director is required when a student reaches twelve (12) absences. Students will be dismissed from the center on the fifteenth (15th) absence of a semester.

The parent and/or the student may appeal the attendance dismissal to the center director within three (3) business days of the student's fifteenth (15th) absence. The appeal must be submitted to the center director in writing along with any documentation to be considered. All information will be reviewed by the director in making a decision to uphold or overturn the dismissal.  Students who are dismissed due to attendance may not return to the center the following semester unless approved by the director. Students suspended from their home school will also be suspended from NPC Career Academy. 

Students who are more than twenty (20) minutes late to class or who leave class more than twenty (20) minutes early will be considered absent for that day. Students who attend classes at the center on a day when their home school is not in session may earn a day to replace an absence.

Policies for make-up assignments will be at the discretion of the individual program instructors. Instructors will provide students with a written policy for make-up assignments at the beginning of the school year. NPC Career Academy will follow the home school's policy regarding work missed that is a result of discipline by that school.

ID Badges

All students enrolling in the secondary center programs will have a photo ID badge. Due to safety and security concerns all students are required to wear ID badges while on campus. There is no charge for the initial ID badge. Students needing a replacement badge are to report to the Pinkerton Building office. Replacement badges cost $10 each. 


A student may transfer from one program to another with approval from the program instructor(s), center director and the home school counselor and principal.  Transfers will be limited to one per student and will not be approved after the first week of instruction in the fall semester.

A student currently enrolled in another area center or off campus class may transfer to a NPC Career Academy program if the transfer is not due to disciplinary or academic reasons.  If a transfer student was dropped because of failure to adhere to the attendance policy, he/she may be considered for enrollment at NPC Career Academy after consultation with the course instructor, the center director and the high school counselor.

Calendar and Class Periods

Students should follow their home school calendar, including holidays and breaks unless otherwise indicated on the NPC Career Academy calendar.

NPC Career Academy has three class periods per day.  Times are listed below:

  • 8 a.m -  9:20 a.m
  • 10:15 a.m. -  11:35 a.m.
  • 12:35 p.m. -  1:55 p.m.

Student Center

The Student Center is used for student group meetings and as a place for students that arrive early. Students who go to the Student Center are expected to respect the fact that classes and other activities also take place in that building. Cups, wrappers, and other waste materials should be placed in the trash containers provided. Recycling containers for plastic, aluminum and paper are available in front of the student center.

Tardy Policy

Students are expected to be in class on time and ready to work. The following tardy policy will be followed:

  • 3 tardies - Verbal warning from teacher
  • 5 tardies - Conference with NPC Career Academy Director or Assistant Director / student driving privileges may be revoked
  • 7 tardies - No exemption from the final exam / home school contacted and their tardy policy enforced

Leaving Class Early

Students may not leave center classes early without permission. Students who need to leave campus early must sign out in the Pinkerton Building office. Failure to sign out prior to leaving campus will result in the student being counted absent for the day and may result in suspension or dismissal from the center. Students should bring documentation from the home school and/or parent when they check out.

Inclement Weather

NPC Career Academy follows the directives of the NPC administration as directed by Policy 7.200 Inclement Weather.


NPC Career Academy is not responsible for accidents or injuries that occur on campus or during school related activities. When an accident or injury of any kind occurs, the Health Services nurse and the center director should be notified immediately. Transportation for and cost of medical treatment are the responsibility of the student and/or student's parent/guardian. NPC Career Academy does not provide insurance coverage for students. 


NPC Career Academy is operated by National Park College and NPC Career Academy students fall under the rules and regulations that govern the College. Items that are not addressed in this student handbook will be referred to the College catalog and/or policies and procedures manual for decisions.