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Classes Resume

NPC will resume normal operating hours Tuesday, January 14. Please note, campus sidewalks and parking lots may still have icy patches. Use caution when walking around campus.


Student Handbook: Academics

Students working at desks

Standards of Progress

The following grading system will be utilized to evaluate students at NPC Career Academy:

  • 90-100% = A
  • 80-89% = B
  • 70-79% = C
  • 60-69% = D
  • 0-59% = F

Student records are maintained by the instructor and are submitted to the home school for the student’s permanent record.

On-Line Learning

NPC Career Academy believes in the use of technology in the learning environment. All students will be required to use technology, on-line learning platforms and the internet during their courses at NPC Career Academy.

Computer/Internet Use Policy

Students will have access to computers and the internet to enhance their training experience. In addition to the computers in the secondary programs, students have access to the college’s open computer labs. Responsible use of NPC Career Academy’s technology is expected of all students. Students will adhere to National Park College’s Open Computer Lab Rules and Student Acceptable Use Policies as stated on the college’s website. Any violation of these policies by a secondary center student will result in dismissal from the center. View the full acceptable use policy

Out of Class/Independent Learning

NPC Career Academy strives to provide a quality education to the students it serves. Within these efforts is the recognition that learning must occur beyond the classroom and outside the school day. Independent learning is defined as related work that is done outside of the normal classroom hours. Independent learning assignments will vary between programs.

Student Organizations

Through career and technical student organizations, students are provided with opportunities for leadership and skills training, competition, networking with business and industry, and contact with other career and technical students across the state.  Students participating in these organizations are responsible for all dues associated with membership in the organizations. The two primary student organizations on campus are SkillsUSA and HOSA. SkillsUSA seeks “to empower members to become world-class workers, leaders and responsible American citizens. "HOSA seeks" to develop leadership and technical HOSA skill competencies through a program of motivation, awareness and recognition, which is an integral part of the Health Science Education instructional program.”

Student Expenses

Each program at NPC Career Academy has costs associated with materials, supplies, uniforms, certifications, etc. Costs to students vary from program to program. Instructors will provide students with a list of expenses at the beginning of the school year.


Some of the programs at NPC Career Academy have national industry related certification exams associated with them. Students are encouraged to take advantage of these certifications. To further encourage students, NPC Career Academy will reimburse the student for the cost of taking a certification exam if proof of payment for the exam (cancelled check of official receipt) and proof of a passing score (actual certification card or certificate) is provided.

College Credit

All of the secondary center programs offer some college level credit. The number of credit hours vary within each program. Students should check with their instructor for the number of credit hours available and any requirements that must be met to obtain these hours. Students who wish to enroll in center classes for college credit must meet the requisite test score on the ACT or ACCUPLACER tests. Scores are to be submitted along with the Concurrent Enrollment Form to the Concurrent Credit Coordinator prior to the first day of the fall semester.


NPC provides the National Park Promise Scholarship to students completing a two year program of study at NPC Career Academy. The National Park Promise covers 100% of the cost of tuition and fees after other student financial aid has been applied. A list of students that complete the two years at NPC Career Academy will be provided to the NPC Enrollment Services Office but students need to apply with that office for the scholarship during the spring semester prior to graduation. NPC Career Academy students may also qualify for other NPC scholarships.


NPC Career Academy is operated by National Park College and NPC Career Academy students fall under the rules and regulations that govern the College. Items that are not addressed in this student handbook will be referred to the College catalog and/or policies and procedures manual for decisions.