Security Procedures

Students working at desks

Security Procedures

Accidents and Medical Emergencies

In the case of serious accidents or medical emergencies, call 9-1-1 if medical attention is needed then Security at 501-538-5507 from any phone. In a non-life-threatening situations, NPC employees and students can seek medical assessment from the campus nurse in the Student Commons Building, Room 204. The nurse will determine if the medical emergency or injury requires further treatment or will make recommendations. When an accident or emergency of any kind occurs in the evening hours, contact Security. They will determine any further notifications. NPC employees will not authorize or imply the College will pay for ANY medical treatment. Questions regarding this subject are to be addressed to the Kelly Embry, Vice President for Administration. She can be reached at 501-760-4133 or NPC Employees MUST notify their supervisor of any injury or accident occurring on campus as soon as it occurs. The NPC HR Department must also be notified of ANY employee injury.

Drugs, Alcohol, and Tobacco on Campus

Federal, State, and Local laws and ordinances that prohibit the use and/or sale of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco will be observed on the NPC Campus. NPC is committed to maintaining an alcohol and drug-free environment. The NPC Board of Trustees opposes the unlawful manufacture, distribution, possession and use of controlled substances by ANYONE on our campus. Smoking or other use of tobacco products, including vaping, is PROHIBITED anywhere on the NPC Campus. “Don’t Run, Call 9-1-1” if you suspect a person may have overdosed on a drug. Call 9-1-1 immediately and Security at 501-538-5507 to get help. Your actions could save a life!


NPC encourages a Gun-Free environment. Safety/Security and Law Enforcement personnel should be the only ones carrying a firearm while at the campus. Firearms-sensitive areas have also been designated for on-campus sporting events. Please check with the Associate Vice President of Operations, Brad Hopper, regarding exceptions or clarification to these rules, as well as any concerns about the Enhanced Concealed Carry Requirements while on the campus.

Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment of students or college personnel is illegal under Title IX of the Elementary/Secondary Act of 1972. NPC is committed to providing an environment of study and work that is free of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment of students is PROHIBITED in and out of the classroom and in the evaluation of any student’s academic performance. ANY UNWELCOME sexual advances need to be reported immediately! Please let someone know if it should happen to you!

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response

The first priority for a victim of sexual assault at NPC should be to get to a place of safety then immediately report the assault to 9-1-1. The second priority should then be to seek medical attention and preserve evidence in a timely manner. Time is of the essence for evidence collection and preservation. Filing a report with Law Enforcement will ensure the victim receives access to medical treatment and tests, provides evidence for prosecution, and assures the victim to confidential counseling. If on the NPC Campus, NPC staff will assist with getting access to necessary resources.


The State of Arkansas has established that stalking is a crime. Stalking encompasses physical, written, telephonic, telegraphic, email, texting, or any other form of written communication, terroristic threatening, following a person, insulting, taunting, or challenging a person in any manner likely to provoke a violent or disorderly response. If you might be a victim of stalking, let someone know!

Crisis Situations

In case of a crisis situation or other emergency, the campus is equipped with an “All Call” intercom system. Please take the “All Call” seriously – listen carefully and follow any instructions that are directed without hesitation. You may also sign up for automated voice, text, and email emergency alerts via the NPC website at Our first priority during an emergency at NPC is the safety of all students, employees, and guests on our campus. Then, our second priority is disaster recovery and continuity of operations. Safety is always our first priority!