Due to anticipated inclement weather and to prioritize the safety of our campus community, National Park College will transition to remote operations Thursday, January 9 and Friday, January 10.
For more information see the Campus Alerts page.
SGA MEETING AGENDA Board Meeting February 12, 2022 1 PM Meeting called to order
at 1:04 p.m.
I. Call to Order Roll Call A. President : Madison Schoonover - Present B. Vice President
: Tyanna Lindsey- Present C. Secretary : Tikima Simpkins- Present D. Treasurer: Marley Johnson - Absent
E. Public Relation: Andrew Brown - Present F. Historian: Victoria Dalton- Present
G. At-Large Rep: Sarah Rudder - Present H. At-Large Rep: Charlisha Thomas- Absent
I. At-Large Rep: Lourdes Nava- Absent J. At-Large Rep: Rebecca Funderburk- Absent
K. At-Large Rep: Gracie Collins- Absent L. Freshman Rep: Aaron Mercado- Absent
M. Advisor: Lindsey Vondenstein - Present N. Advisor: Caysie Martin - Present
II. Approval of Minutes A. None – No minutes to approve
III. Officer Reports No reports
IV. Reports from Standing Committees A. Inter-club Committee
1) Email to Clubs – Good Standing Requirement A. Send to Dr. Thomas
Tyanna made a motion to approve the requirements for student organizations to stay in
good standing Andrew 2nd the motion Madison called for discussion – No discussion
6 – Ayes 0- Opposed Motion Passed V. Reports from
Ad Hoc Committees
No reports
VI. Unfinished Business A. Office Hours – Caysie will finalize this week. Will communicate through
GroupMe B. Spring Semester Meeting Times – Discussed Tuesday Mornings at 8:00 a.m.
Mrs. Vondenstein will send out a poll via GroupMe to determine other members’
availability. Decided upon March 1st - Student Organization Room for SGA meeting. Future meeting times TBA
C. After poll completion, Madison will send out an email listing future meeting dates
VII. New Business A. Action Items
a. Social Media Accounts – i. Instagram – ii. Caysie will reach out to IR to inquire about prior data surrounding past
social media surveys. iii. Making Committee - Andrew
b. Game Room Opening - i. Making Committee – Tikima and Victoria will start petition
ii. Victoria will target dorm residents iii. Tikima will target students in Commons during lunch
iv. Get signature and ID numbers
Sarah made a motion to accept Social Media Accounts and Game Room opening as our Spring Action Items
Tyanna 2nd the motion Madison called for discussion – No discussion 6 – Ayes
0 – Opposed Motion Passed
B. Spring Calendar of Events
a. Toiletries/Supply Drive i. March 7-11 Toiletries/Supply Drive ii. Presentation in the Hawk Box and in Dorms
iii. Spring Fling – part of drive
b. Staff Appreciation: i. Between Spring Break and Finals -
c. Elections: i. March 28 Week - Announcing SGA Election ii. April 4 Week – Campaign
iii. April 11-12 – Elections – Ask IR asap iv. April 26 – Pass the Gavel – 4 – 6 pm
d. Spirit Week – i. Announcing ii. April 18 - Madness Monday – Crazy Dress Up iii.
April 19 – Trivia Tuesday – 12 pm iv. April 20 – Wildn’ Out Wednesday – Spirit Stick
1. Play day on the quad 2. Tug a war, sack racing 3. Snow Cones – Donation for Relay for Life
v. April 21 - (Student Life) Casino Night vi. April 22 - Dance –
1. DJ, Lights, Food, Security, Photo Booth – Dress Up
Sarah made a motion to approve events for all for the Spring semester
Victoria 2nd the motion Madison called for discussion – No discussion
6 – Ayes 0 – Opposed Motion Passed
e. Finals Week i. May 2-5 - Table with Treats
f. Relay for Life i. May 6 – The Great Gatsby ii. Token for walking iii. Fundraising before
C. Approve Budget for Events Tyanna made a motion to approve the Budget for events
Andrew 2nd the motion Madison called for Discussion – No discussion
6 – Ayes 0 – Opposed Motion Passed
D. Research Price for A-Frame Chalkboard – Tabled until next meeting
VIII. Business From the Floor Madison asked if there was any Business from the Floor at 1:24 p.m.
Items Listed Below: A. Toiletries Drive
a. Dr. Burke presentation—Tikima will send an email to Dr. Burke and discuss possible items for Toiletry drive.
Presentation in the Hawk Box – Friday, March 11, 2022, Time TBD b. Boxes – SGA will provide boxes for other Orgs as well as in Student
Commons. c. Victoria asked if we should involve other Student Organizations d. Flyer – Sarah will create a flyer for Drive with items listed
e. Email orgs – Tikima will send out an email to students, faculty, and staff
detailing the Toiletry Drive
B. Events Proposal to Dr. Thomas a. Email to Dr. Thomas to approve planned events
IX. Announcements A. Meeting tentatively March 1st at 8:00 a.m. Student Org Room B.
Office Hours – TBA
Madison adjourns meeting at 1:40 p.m.
SGA MEETING MINUTES Board Meeting Dec 3, 2021 9 AM Madison called meeting to order
at 9:15 a.m. I. Call to Order Roll Call
A. President : Madison Schoonover- Present B. Vice President : Tyanna Lindsey- Present
C. Secretary : Tikima Simpkins- Present D. Treasurer: Marley Johnson - Present E.
Public Relation: Andrew Brown - Present F. Historian: Victoria Dalton- Present G.
At-Large Rep: Sarah Rudder- Absent H. At-Large Rep: Charlisha Thomas - Present I.
At-Large Rep: Lourdes Nava- Present J. At-Large Rep: Rebecca Funderburk- Present
K. At-Large Rep: L. Freshman Rep: Gracie Collins- Absent M. Freshman Rep: Jason Vanderhoof- Present
N. Freshman Rep: Chloe Creekmore- Absent O. Freshman Rep: Aaron Mercado- Absent M.
Advisor: Lindsey Vondenstein - Absent N. Advisor: Caysie Martin - Present
II. Approval of Minutes A. Oct 1 B. Nov 5 C. Nov 16 Madison created a motion to approve minutes for Oct 1, November 5, and November
16th Victoria motions to approve Andrew 2nds the motion Minutes approved
III. Officer Reports A. No reports
IV. Reports from Standing Committees A. Events Committee – No reports B. Inter-club
Committee- No reports C. Constitution and Bylaws Committee- No reports
V. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees A. Christmas Parade – Volunteers meet at Marine Tech Building for walking
instructions Friday, December 3, 2021 at 11 a.m.
VI. Unfinished Business A. Letter of Concern – Madison – “Could we invite people on for support?”
Caysie – “Draft up a narrative.”
B. Finalize Committee members- Members finalized at last meeting 11/16. Will open to other member in Spring
C. Office Hours- Officers are required 1 hour a week and At-Large Reps 1 hour every other week. Caysie asked that Spring schedules be submitted by next week
(December 6-10)
D. Retreat- Discussed overnight or full day experience. ii) Charlisha- “Weekends work better for me.”
iii) Members decided on Friday & Saturday iv) Caysie will look into possible locations.
VII. New Business A. New Org Approval—Primum Non Nocere B. President, Lukas Wingfield explained the history behind Primum
Jason – Commented on the group’s Article III.1 Purpose, aims, and functions, “very honorable
Madison created a motion to approve new organization Tikima motions to approve Andrew 2nd the motion to approve
0 opposed Organization created: Primum Non Nocere
VIII. Announcements A. Hawk Box – Poll sent out in GroupMe 11/30 to decide if Hawk Box should be
donated to HHFP. 0 opposed Hawk Box donated to HHFP
B. Caysie sent out a poll in GroupMe 11/17 proposing to use $300.00 of budget for
Plexiglass for SGA officer and member photos. 0 opposed Motion to utilize $300 of SGA budget approved.
C. Picture Reschedule- Caysie will email Cari and will inform members of new dates.
Madison adjourns meeting @ 9:52
SGA MEETING MINUTES Board Meeting Nov 16, 2021 4 PM Andrew called meeting to order
at 4:03 Roll call started at 4:04
I. Call to Order Roll Call A. President : Madison Schoonover - Present B. Vice President
: Tyanna Lindsey- Absent C. Secretary : Tikima Simpkins-Absent D. Treasurer: Marley Johnson -Absent
E. Public Relation: Andrew Brown -Present F. Historian: Victoria Dalton-Absent G.
At-Large Rep: Sara Rudder -Present H. At-Large Rep: Charlisha Thomas -Present I.
At-Large Rep: Lourdes Nava- Absent J. At-Large Rep: Rebecca Funderburk-Present
K. At-Large Rep: L. Freshman Rep: Gracie Collins-Present M. Freshman Rep: Jason Vanderhoof-Present
N. Freshman Rep: Chloe Creekmore-Absent O. Freshman Rep : Aaron Mercado-Absent M.
Advisor: Lindsey Vondenstein -Present N. Advisor: Caysie Martin-Present
II. Approval of Minutes A. Oct. 1- No Quorum to approve minutes – Move to next meeting 12/3
B. Nov. 5- No Quorum to approve minutes – Move to next meeting 12/3 III. Officer Reports
A. IV. Reports from Standing Committees
A. Events Committee A. Report on Fall Fest
1. Andrew – “Fall fest was really interactive. We were able to go around to other groups
and introduce ourselves. It was fun!”
2. Madison – “ It was very rough for the Student ambassadors” 3. Vondenstein- “It was good to have all organizations there for the Preview Day for the
future students, it showed how involved we are” 4. Caysie went over budget and said she will get with Marley (Treasurer)
B. Inter-club Committee – Nothing to report C. Constitution and Bylaws Committee- Nothing to report
V. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees A. HLC Meetings
1. Victoria and Tikima met with HLC members
VI. Unfinished Business A. Hawk Box
ii) Vondenstein gave brief history of the Hawk Box and its vision to be in conjunction
with the Helping Hawks Food Pantry.
iii) Poll will be sent out in GroupMe to vote if the Hawk box should be donated to the
iv) Toiletry drive?? – Spring v) Sarah Rudder – “The proposal is a fantastic idea.”
vi) Madison- “Instead of parents paying admission to games they could “pay” with an
item to donate” vii)Vondenstein- Could possibly sell hot chocolate and popcorn for toiletry items.
A. Letter of Concern – Tabled until early Spring B. Finalize Committee members
viii) Constitution and Bylaws Committee – Madison, Marley, and Sarah ix) Interclub
committee- Victoria, Charlisha, and Sarah
VII. New Business A. Retreat in January Vondenstein – “Start brainstorming ideas for January retreat.”
Will send out a poll on GroupMe for possible dates Caysie - proposed the MLK weekend for SGA retreat
1. Homecoming ideas 2. Car show? – Tabled until Spring 3. Caysie will check with Hudnell concerning athletic calendar for Homecoming
VIII. Announcements A. Picture reschedule date – TBA B. Caysie – Will send a poll out in GroupMe proposing an amount for the Plexiglass
for SGA officer and member photos. C. Christmas Parade Float – Volunteer hours – TBA
Times will be sent out via
GroupMe D. Next meeting – December 3rd 2021 9:00 a.m.
Madison adjourns meeting at 4:42
SGA MEETING AGENDA Board Meeting Nov 5, 2021 9 AM Madison called meeting to order at 9:08 a.m.
I. Call to Order Roll Call
A. President : Madison Schoonover - Present B. Vice President : Tyanna Lindsey- Present
C. Secretary : Tikima Simpkins- Present D. Treasurer: Marley Johnson - Absent E.
Public Relation: Andrew Brown - Present F. Historian: Victoria Dalton- Present G.
At-Large Rep: Sara Rudder - Absent H. At-Large Rep: Charlisha Thomas - Present I.
At-Large Rep: Lourdes Nava- Present J. At-Large Rep: Rebecca Funderburk- Present
K. At-Large Rep: L. Freshman Rep: Gracie Collins- Absent M. Freshman Rep: Jason Vanderhoof- Absent
N. Freshman Rep: Chloe Creekmore- Absent O. Freshman Rep: Aaron Mercado- Present
M. Advisor: Lindsey Vondenstein - Present N. Advisor: Caysie Martin - Present
II. Approval of Minutes A. Oct. 1 – Moved to next agenda
III. Officer Reports A. Master Plan Forum Report?
Andrew- Inquired about security issues (cameras and emergency situations) *Speak with security and set up meetings with administration to increase security measures
Mrs. Caysie – suggested submitting a letter of concern (Madison & Andrew) Tikima- the 25 year plan that they came up with is amazing. Suggested shuttle buses or carts for
extreme distance.
B. Van Davis Run Marley helped with set up day before race Tikima cheered for all participants
Mrs. Caysie placed 3rd! Go Mrs. Caysie IV. Reports from Standing Committees
A. Events Committee A. Report on the Quad Party
Tikima- the Quad party increased exposure for groups. Aaron says that he was recruited by Andrew the day of the Quad party
SGA members introduced themselves to other organizations
B. Inter-club Committee Two Anime representatives- President Jonathan Waldron & Spencer Sharp joined the meeting
Requirements for active organizations updated Jonathan agreed with requirements
Interclub committee meeting planned for November. Date TBA Jonathan requested SGA presence at Anime meeting – Thursdays at 4 p.m. Room LS118
C. Constitution and Bylaws Committee – Nothing to report
V. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees 1) Unfinished Business
A. Events Committee—Fall Fest ii) Fall Fest moved to November 10th
United- Serve Cocoa Anime wants table Write Hawks wants table Tikima made a motion to utilize $400.00 of SGA budget for Festival
Andrew 2nd the motion Madison made a motion to pass budget 0 opposed Motion passed
A. Service Hours/Office Hours 2) Caysie reminded members to keep up with their hours via Clockify – Will send out invites
3) Members will give advisors availability tor Office Hours at the start of Spring Semester
A. HLC Forums Nov 8-9th SGA strongly encouraged to attend at least one meeting Lourdes volunteered to send email inviting students to attend one HLC forum
B. Christmas Parade ii) Volunteers needed to help with creation of float and walking with float
iii) SGA presence recommended
VII. New Business
VIII. Announcements A. Picture reschedule date – No reschedule date as of now B.
Next Meeting Dates – November 16 @ 4:00 p.m. and December 3, 2021 @ 9:00
a.m. Madison adjourns meeting @ 10:09
SGA MEETING MINUTES Board Meeting Friday, Oct. 1, 2021 4 P.M. Meeting called to order at 4:03 p.m.
I. Call to Order Roll Call
A. President : Madison Schoonover- Present B. Vice President : Tyanna Lindsey- Present
C. Secretary : Tikima Simpkins- Present D. Treasurer: Marley Johnson -Present E.
Public Relation: Andrew Brown -Present F. Historian: Victoria Dalton- Present G.
At-Large Rep: Sara Rudder- Absent H. At-Large Rep: Charlisha Thomas - Present I.
At-Large Rep: J. At-Large Rep: K. At-Large Rep: M. Advisor: Lindsey Vondenstein--Present
N. Advisor: Caysie Martin -- Present
II. Approval of Minutes A. None to approve
III. Officer Reports A. No reports
IV. Reports from Standing Committees A. No committee reports
V. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees 1) Unfinished Business
i) Standing Committees (1) Need to Create
(a) Constitution and Bylaws Committee Madison created motion to create committee Tyanna motions
Andrew 2nds the motion 0 (zero) opposed Motion Passes Committee created (i) Chair- Madison-- Co-chair Marley
(ii) Meeting and Action Steps
(b) Interclub Committee Madison created a motion to approve Marley motions Tikima 2nds the motion
0 (zero) opposed Motion Passes
Committee created (i) Chair- Sarah R. Co-chair (1) Victoria Co-chair (2) Charlisha
(ii) Meeting and Action Steps
VII. New Business 1) Service Hours
a) Office Hours Discussed office hours Members contacted SGA advisors with availability
2) Upcoming Events a) Master Plan Student Forum 10/6 @ noon CO 122 (in-person or virtual)
Andrew, Marley, Madison, Tyanna, and Tikima will attend b) Quad Party 10/7 12-1
i) SGA Table with games and swag Andrew & Marley available for entire event Charlisha, Madison, Tyanna, and Tikima will be able to volunteer when available.
c) Karaoke 10/7 4:30-6:30 – Tabled until next meeting d) Van Davis Run
i) Need volunteers 10/8 & 10/9 Marley & Madison – 10/8 Andrew & Tikima – 10/9
ii) Check email and email Valarie Lewis e) Save AR Students Event at the Capital 10/18- Tabled until next meeting
f) SGA October Activity
i) Indigenous People’s Day 10/11 -Tabled until next meeting ii) Smash the Bias/Costume Contest? -Tabled until next meeting
iii) Movie Night--Tabled until next meeting
g) Student Life Calendar h) Brainstorm Other Events
i) November (1) Student Org Browse?
ii) December 3) New Organization Approval
a) Believers United in Christ Tikima made motion to approve Marley 2nds the motion
Madison called for vote 0 (zero) opposed Motion passed
Group approved
VIII. Announcements A. Headshots—Cari is available next week: Wed 9-10 and Thurs 9-11 and 1-3.
Madison created motion to adjourn meeting Marley 2nds the motion Meeting adjourned at 5:25
SGA Meeting Minutes for 02/12/21
Meeting Called to order at 1:00 PM
Roll Call –
President, Sarah Rudder- Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Absent
Historian, Anna Balliette – Present
Public Relations, Allison Bettis - Present
Rep-At-Large, Dequante Clark – Present
Rep-At-Large, Tyanna Lindsey – Present
Rep-At-Large, Destiny Phillips – Present
Rep-At-Large, Edgar Ceja – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Raquel Terrazas – Present
Advisor, Dr. Sam Christian – Present
Advisor, Lyndsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Cayse Martin – Present
Approval of the Minutes
Lacie motions to approve the minutes from 12/07/20 and 01/25/20. Whendi 2nds, motion
Officer Reports
Whendi – Emailed OCC Director. Will follow-up.
Old Business
None Reported.
New Business
Committee Elections
Standing Committees as follows:
Constitution and Bylaws Committee – Chair, Lacie; Co-chair, Vacant. Motion to
approve by Allison, 2nd by Destiny. Motion passes.
Elections Committee – Chair, Destiny; Co-chair, Sarah. Motion to approve by
Lacie, 2nd by Dequante. Motion passes.
Events Committee – Chair, Allison; Co-chair, Dequante. Motion to approve by
Allison, 2nd by Whendi. Motion passes.
Adhoc Committees as follows:
Interclub Committee – Chair, Dequante; Co-Chair, Destiny. (Motion to approve
held at SGA Spring Retreat.)
Talent Show Committee – Chair, Raquel; Co-chair, Tyanna. Motion to approve
by Destiny, 2nd by Dequante. Motion passes.
Homecoming Committee – Chair, Lacie; Co-chair, Whendi. Motion to approve by
Dequante, 2nd by Allison. Motion passes. (Homecoming/Events committees to meet – will
check in on
Group Me to confirm date and time.)
Edgar and Corey to deliver on campus. Location has been approved for placement
outside Communication/Social Sciences building. Questions are raised about whether
SGA members can
take personal responsibility for stocking the box. It is suggested to get with Dr.
Burke to coordinate on
food and consider what can and cannot be purchased. Redder (sp?) will have basic toiletries.
SGA needs
to get a list to external affairs if they are to consider a drive off campus/involving
other organizations.
Questions are raised about whether this can be incorporated into homecoming week,
could call it “Stock
the Box.” Sarah to follow up with Dr. Burke.
Decorating Student Organization Room
Sarah has a running list of to-dos regarding the room. Caysie requests a compiled
list of
what and where to purchase items for the room. Whendi to help along with Sarah on
organization of the
Survey of Social Media
Dr. Sam suggests SGA compile questions before going to Melanie on this. Whendi to
create list, will have 3-5 questions out to SGA for consideration by the end of next
Student Showcase
This item will be mostly left to Events committee. Need to know what is to be
purchased. Committees need to coordinate, this is where those come in to play. Sarah
sent link directing
Chairs to current student orgs. February 22nd is the next SGA meeting, and this event
is to be held the
following week. February issues to be pulled from priority list and sent to Hudnall
and Dr. Thomas in
order to expedite approval.
Elections/Debate Day
Office Hours
Waiting on Van’s availability to finalize (tentative schedule is up for display.)
and reps will be using Clockify to record hours.
Reminder that next SGA meeting to be held February 22nd at 3pm.
Meeting to adjourn at 1:59PM
SGA Meeting Minutes for 01/25/2021
Meeting Called to order at 3:05 PM
Roll Call –
President, Sarah Rudder- Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Present
Public Relations, Allison Bettis - Present
Rep-At-Large, Dequante Clark – Present
Rep-At-Large, Tyanna Lindsey – Present
Rep-At-Large, Destiny Phillips – Present
Rep-At-Large, Edgar Ceja – Present
Rep-At-Large, Raquel Terrazas – Present
Advisor, Dr. Sam Christian – Present
Advisor, Lyndsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Cayse Martin – Present
Officer Reports
Old Business
Sarah to review importance of SGA Officer and Rep responsibilities. It should be known
being in these roles, individuals are granted a scholarship and are expected to maintain
a certain level of
participation beyond the assigned roles. Caysie to add to this.
SGA Retreat
Need feedback on available times. We need to be sure that everyone who can attend,
does attend, as it is required function in order to cover important information and
discuss the SGA
budget. Majority of people are available on Saturday afternoon. Lacie to motion that
the Spring retreat
be held on Saturday, February 6th from 1-5pm. Allison 2nds, motion passes. Get with
Caysie on box
lunches for the retreat.
Lacie spoke with Dr. Thomas and Lisa Hopper on the topic of laptops, as well as the
bookstore manager. It has been determined that this is already in place, and the bookstore
is waiting to
confirm on product availability with a retailer. It is also worth mentioning that
there are additional
resources for students in need, including the ability to request an emergency advance
on student aid in
order to purchase items necessary for study, off campus. In addition, there is funding
through National
Park Foundations to help students pay for things that would otherwise interrupt their
ability to attend
courses. Lacie to follow up with IT to check on progress with retailers.
Spring Events/Calendar
Meeting was held with 4 in attendance for brainstorming session in December. Will
over this at the Spring retreat. In the meantime, it has been determined that we need
to create an
interclub committee in order to get all clubs on the same page. Committee must consist
of one At-Large
Rep, and one other member of SGA. Dequante volunteers to Chair the committee, Lyndsey
to co-chair. Lacie motions to nominate both for the positions, Van 2nds the motion.
Motion passes.
To be covered at the retreat.
New Business
None reported.
Reminder that the SGA Spring Retreat is to be held on Saturday, January 25th from
Meeting to adjourn at 4:10 PM
SGA Meeting Minutes for 12/07/2020
Meeting Called to order at 4:03 PM
Roll Call –
President, Sarah Rudder- Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Absent
Public Relations, Allison Bettis - Present
Rep-At-Large, Dequante Clark – Present
Rep-At-Large, Tyanna Lindsey – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Destiny Phillips – Present
Rep-At-Large, Edgar Ceja – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Raquel Terrazas – Present
Advisor, Dr. Sam Christian – Present
Advisor, Lyndsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Cayse Martin – Present
Officer Reports
Old Business
Hot Cocoa Table
Allison reports the table was a success over the course of the two days. A total
collection of $51.62. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Child Advocacy Center Stockings Project
General discussion of whether more items need to be purchased since the initial
shopping was conducted. Sam reminds SGA to be mindful of the budget and suggests adding
any additionally needed material from the bookstore. Gift cards are not feasible,
cannot be
purchased with SGA money.
Allison – motion to finalize on all alterations or additions as necessary according
to the
attendees of the meetings this week. Lacie – 2nd, motion passes
To be discussed at the Spring retreat. Brainstorming session needs to be done. Each
needs to be responsible for looking over the previous budgets and coming up with
ideas/suggestions/recommendations for the retreat.
Planning for Spring Events
Allison suggests online seminars and screening students for areas of interest. If
we are
to continue to hold events online exclusively, more will need to be done in terms
of work/coordination.
Lacie motions to meet December 16th at 1pm for brainstorming session on Spring calendar.
Allison 2nds,
motion passes.
Calendar Coordination
Caysie – Committee will discuss this and finalize on progress having been made. Will
revisit the conversation with the aforementioned.
Discussions exists about how to best approach the subject further. Lacie to follow-up
with Dr. Thomas, and explore what avenues have already been pursued. Possibility of
students on the subject to screen for need, and requesting access to computers for
residence of
Dogwood Hall. Follow up with Butler per Caysie and Lisa Hopper regarding questions
around utilizing
financial aid.
New Business
Christmas stocking distribution to take place on December 17th, as well as wrapping
with the church the evening before. Volunteers are needed.
Meeting to adjourn at 5:00 PM
SGA Meeting Minutes for 12/07/2020
Meeting Called to order at 4:03 PM
Roll Call –
President, Sarah Rudder- Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Absent
Public Relations, Allison Bettis - Present
Rep-At-Large, Dequante Clark – Present
Rep-At-Large, Tyanna Lindsey – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Destiny Phillips – Present
Rep-At-Large, Edgar Ceja – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Raquel Terrazas – Present
Advisor, Dr. Sam Christian – Present
Advisor, Lyndsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Cayse Martin – Present
Officer Reports
Old Business
Hot Cocoa Table
Allison reports the table was a success over the course of the two days. A total
collection of $51.62. Thanks to everyone who participated.
Child Advocacy Center Stockings Project
General discussion of whether more items need to be purchased since the initial
shopping was conducted. Sam reminds SGA to be mindful of the budget and suggests adding
any additionally needed material from the bookstore. Gift cards are not feasible,
cannot be
purchased with SGA money.
Allison – motion to finalize on all alterations or additions as necessary according
to the
attendees of the meetings this week. Lacie – 2nd, motion passes
To be discussed at the Spring retreat. Brainstorming session needs to be done. Each
needs to be responsible for looking over the previous budgets and coming up with
ideas/suggestions/recommendations for the retreat.
Planning for Spring Events
Allison suggests online seminars and screening students for areas of interest. If
we are
to continue to hold events online exclusively, more will need to be done in terms
of work/coordination.
Lacie motions to meet December 16th at 1pm for brainstorming session on Spring calendar.
Allison 2nds,
motion passes.
Calendar Coordination
Caysie – Committee will discuss this and finalize on progress having been made. Will
revisit the conversation with the aforementioned.
Discussions exists about how to best approach the subject further. Lacie to follow-up
with Dr. Thomas, and explore what avenues have already been pursued. Possibility of
students on the subject to screen for need, and requesting access to computers for
residence of
Dogwood Hall. Follow up with Butler per Caysie and Lisa Hopper regarding questions
around utilizing
financial aid.
New Business
Christmas stocking distribution to take place on December 17th, as well as wrapping
with the church the evening before. Volunteers are needed.
Meeting to adjourn at 5:00 PM
SGA Meeting Minutes for 11/20/2020
Meeting Called to order at 12:00 PM
Roll Call –
President, Sarah Rudder- Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Present
Public Relations, Allison Bettis - Present
Rep-At-Large, Dequante Clark – Present
Rep-At-Large, Tyanna Lindsey – Present
Rep-At-Large, Destiny Phillips – Present
Rep-At-Large, Edgar Ceja – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Raquel Terrazas – Absent
Advisor, Dr. Sam Christian – Present
Advisor, Lyndsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Cayse Martin – Present
Postponing approval of minutes.
Officer Reports
Sarah - We need to get better with prioritizing, acting, and following through with
and agreements made within our meetings. Also, had a meeting with Dr. Thomas and Jason
Had some ideas for spring: liked idea of wipes at the food court, laptops from financial
aid money,
pairing more with student life, some small events each month from student organizations.
Old Business
SGA Budget
Sarah – Could it be pushed to the next meeting?
Van – In agreement. Has gotten some suggestions in late, and is still working out
Child Advocacy Center Stockings Project
Sarah - Do we have initials or any info for this endeavor?
Sam - Will have the information for the kids next week, but the numbers and details
may change as we come closer to Christmas.
Motion for $900 budget for the project – Van
Allison -2nd, Motion passes Van makes a motion for $900 budget. Allison
seconds the motion. All approve. Motion passes.
**Deadline for the project is December 16th. SGA to hold a meeting designated to this
topic following Thanksgiving break.
Decorating for Christmas and Hot Cocoa
Anna – Where is the decorating done?
Caysie - They’re thinking about decorating the book store windows seasonally. May
an SGA/Student Ambassadors thing. Decorations are pretty much covered.
Destiny -If we do hot cocoa, are we charging for that to utilize toward donations?
Van - Suggests not requiring fee for cocoa, but having a donation box so people can
donate what they want. Allison, Destiny, and Anna all like this idea.
***Discuss having our next (informal meeting) Monday after Thanksgiving (November
30th at 4PM.)
Van – Motions the above
Destiny – 2nd, Motion passes
Vondenstein – If donations to be used toward stocking stuffers, event should be held
immediately following break.
Sam – Suggests December 2nd and 3rd for event dates.
Sarah – Requesting Allison make a flyer and L. Vondenstein to reach out about the
event. Both agree to do so.
Motion for the above event to be held on the chosen dates – Allison
Dequante – 2nd, Motion passes
Motion to allocate $50 toward the purchase of items necessary for the event – Van
Allison – 2nd, Motion passes
Caysie – Student life could provide cocoa for all attendees, even those who cannot
donate funds. Will get Gatorade gallon containers for this function. Nathan Poor over
for boiling water. Send email to Hundell and Dr. Thomas to get approval.
Calendar Coordination
Sarah – We need to get a calendar from all student bodies to coordinate for the
website, so we can finalize on that. Get sheet to amend all changes that need to be
Caysie – There are stages; SGA needs to have correct information as does Student Org.
Tool to view all student functions does not exist, it needs to be created. SGA would
responsible to communicate with students to let them know it is available.
Vondenstein – Request to prioritize this task. SGA body has been talking about it
over a year, was brought up with officers past.
Sam – One problem is most orgs do not have set dates for meeting.
Allison – Is there a list the shows all available student orgs?
Vondenstein – SGA has an interclub committee. One item for the spring semester is
going to be getting this going again. Will require reps from each organization to
Lacie – Do we have a committee?
Sarah – Do we need a committee?
Whendi – Sent the list of amendments to Anna, but who do we need to send this too?
Sarah – We can hold a committee between the three of us (Anna, Sarah, and Whendi),
along with anyone else who would like to participate?
Caysie – I was going to volunteer – send me what you have and I will review it for
Vondenstein – Can you complete this by the 4th of December?
Whendi – Would you like to meet Monday or Tuesday?
Sarah – 23rd? Yes.
Van – motions for December 4th deadline for deadline
Whendi – 2nd, Motion passes
New Business
Appreciate screeners!
Retreat in January
Vote on budget/dates on retreat
Ideas for spring
**See list on group me/SGA email via Outlook**
How do we reach out to clubs and get them on board with SGA?
Van – Ideas are good ideas, but may require approval. Who can we contact in
order to move this list?
Sarah – Dr. Thomas and Jason Hundell. I spoke with about the laptop rentals
from the library. They already facilitate this but they are in the tech center.
Vondenstein – They aren’t for rent, they can simply be checked out.
Caysie – Audra contacts people who have been affected by Covid and screens
them for appropriateness. Then they are informed they can go to IT to check them out.
Vondenstein – Dr. Thomas mentioned using financial aid was something they
were looking in to. Identifying this need is something SGA can do. We can do.
Lacie – Volunteer to follow up on the info on the purchase of laptops with
financial aid.
Whendi – Certain students orgs have tools available to loan to students, ie.
Vondenstein – Focus of spring retreat will be running this list of items on to do.
We have one more meeting in December before holiday.
Sarah – Would like to coordinate a group photo of SGA members and officers. Perhaps
we could
facilitate this at the retreat. Please prepare for this taking place.
Lacie – Motion to adjourn
Van – Second, Meeting closed at 1:01 PM
**Sarah will send announcements on group me for follow up meetings/ad-hoc
SGA Meeting Minutes for 11/02/2020
Meeting Called to order at 4:04 PM
Roll Call –
President, Sarah Rudder- Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Present
Public Relations, Allison Bettis - Present
Rep-At-Large, Dequante Clark – Present
Rep-At-Large, Tyanna Lindsey – Present
Rep-At-Large, Destiny Phillips – Present
Rep-At-Large, Edgar Ceja – Absent
Rep-At-Large, Raquel Terrazas – Absent
Advisor, Dr. Sam Christian – Present
Advisor, Lyndsey Vondenstein – Absent
Advisor, Cayse Martin – Present
(Rep-At-Large, Courtney Williams to be removed from office per SGA bylaws
due to excessive, persistent absence)
Motion to accept Meeting Minutes for 10/23/2020 – Lacie
2nd – Van (motion passes)
Officer Reports – None reported.
Standing Committees –
Allison – Painting pumpkins had a slim attendance, however movie on the quad had a
good outcome given the circumstances.
Sam – What can be done with the remaining pumpkin?
Sarah – Could be donated to students/faculty on campus?
Sam – Will set out pumpkins and allow students to pick-up.
New Business –
None reported.
Old Business –
Regarding the website – Whendi – obtained a list of things that needed to be done.
has been submitted to Anna, who confirmed receipt on 10/20.
Sarah – Extended to deadline for website completion to the 16th? Check with
Anna on progress made.
SGA Pictures – Sarah – Pictures need to be done asap. Also, would like to consider
replacing the old SGA pic with current officers and representatives. Picture possible
taken at the next
Food for the next SGA Meeting – Sam – Boxed meals from the commons would be a
simple solution. Plan to bring your own blanket for sitting on the quad. Can place
order after getting
response from SGA.
Child Advocacy Center – Sarah – Stockings?
Sam – Rotary club is gathering supplies, but waiting for finalized list of clients.
Stocking to be decorated for personalized delivery.
Sarah – Asking for donations? Could take stockings home to decorate over
Thanksgiving break.
Lacie – Seeking donations in public?
Sam – Need to be mindful of what goes in the stockings. Have several donors
lined out who will give cash, enough to cover this expense. Distribution to take place
on 12/17 from 5-
Announcements -
Please pick-up masks and badges, if you haven’t already done so.
Schedule your pics with Cari Elliot, if you haven’t already done so.
***Discussion was opened later on the topic of SGA budget
Anna - Motion to approve a budget of $2000 for assistance to other student organizations
Van – 2nd, Motion passes.
****SGA will be asked to entertain a re-vote at a later date, per a more in depth
discussion on the topic(s) .
SGA Meeting Minutes
National Park College (via Zoom)
23 October 2020
Call to Order: 12:05 P.M.
I. Roll Call:
President, Sarah Rudder – Not Present (at roll call, present for meeting majority)
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Not Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Public Relation, Allison Bettis – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Present
At-Large Rep, Dequanta Clark – Present
At-Large Rep, Destiny Phillips – Present
At-Large Rep, Courtney Williams –
At-Large Rep, Edgar Ceja –
At-Large Rep, Tyanna Lindsey – Present
At-Large Rep, Raquel Terrazas – Not Present
Advisor, Samantha Christian – Present
Advisor, Lindsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Caysie Martin – Not Present
II. Approval of Minutes: for 5 October 2020. 12:07 P.M. Anna motions. Allison
seconds the motion. All approve. Motion passes.
III. Officer Reports: No reports.
IV. Reports from Standing Committees: 12:09 P.M.
i. Allison with Events Committee – thank you’s for help with Breast Cancer Awareness
event. Suggests next time, Monday-Thursday (not Friday)
would be more effective. Still successful.
V. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: No reports.
VI. Unfinished Business: 12:11 P.M.
i. Dr. Sam: Smash the Bias—important NPC event. We also have movies that night in
the quad, so pumpkins may be too messy. Suggests painting
pumpkins instead.
1. Whendi likes idea; Anna likes it and asks if there would be a theme
2. Dr. Sam suggests pumpkin painting contest, maybe looking at diversity—Whendi and
Tyanna both voice support for idea.
Allison likes it as well and suggested that the contest be optional.
3. Allison asks what time the movies are being held; Vondenstein clarifies that the
family movie begins at 6, and the scary movie
begins at 8. The event is scheduled 5-11 P.M. Vondenstein also
notes that we will need to schedule tables/stations and order
4. Anna asks about what type of pumpkins—Dr. Sam replies that it will be a variety
and we will order from the pumpkin patch for the
best deal. Anna likes this idea.
5. Dr. Sam: what time should the painting pumpkins begin? Whendi expresses concern
of running out of time; exact time remains
6. Allison asks about making a flyer; Whendi asks about candy— Allison states that
we have plenty of candy (Later, Tyanna asks if
we have snacks for movie night—Vondenstein suggests we get
with Caysie about this)
7. Dr. Sam asks if we should have a costume contest—Whendi thinks it’s a great idea
and others voice their support
8. Dr. Sam: # of pumpkins? 40 was more than enough the previous year for Smash the
Bias. Whendi—35? (Anna notes we should
start the contest at 5, before the movies begin—announce winners
after first movie is finished) Tyanna mentions that a lot of people
plan on coming to this event. Anna suggests going to buy more
during the event if need be. Vondenstein mentions that this is a
new event, and it would be better to have too many than not
enough. Whendi asks if everyone is okay with 50 pumpkins.
Everyone is. (Whendi must leave, hands over meeting to Sarah)
ii. Sarah asks where we stand on funding. Dr. Sam says we have a lot of
money—$12K for academic year, and we’ve barely dented that budget.
1. Sarah mentions we should choose between ordering masks and water bottles. Anna
makes a motion to order the masks; Van
seconds; All approved; motion passes. Dr. Sam asks us to go look
at mask color options. (Later, Dr. Sam asks if navy blue mask,
white logo is okay. Everyone agrees)
2. Destiny asks if we have any SGA gear left over from the previous year. Vondenstein
says we have some lanyards.
iii. Sarah: we need to schedule professional photos with Cari. Dequanta
mentioned that she had been on quarantine and thus unavailable to take
photos. Keep an eye on email, and have pics done by Nov. 6.
iv. Vondenstein: SGA has been asked to attend the monthly board meeting. The next
meeting is Wednesday, Oct. 28 at 3:30 PM via Zoom. She will
send us information to attend.
VII. Announcements
i. Sarah: Reminds everyone that it is important to regularly check email.
ii. Vondenstein: Van has a great candidate video; everyone should check it out
iii. Sarah suggests having an outdoor meeting sometime; Allison and Anna both say
yes. Sarah mentions next meeting will be Nov. 2 @ 4 P.M. Dr.
Sam suggests a picnic meeting that day, Vondenstein says we can still
Zoom it.
iv. (Allison asks who all will be at movie night, referring to unfinished business—Anna,
Sarah, Dequanta, Van, and Tyanna all say they will be
VIII. New Business
i. Dr. Sam: Child Advocacy Center buys presents each year for the kids. They don’t
have stockings... we could partner with other organizations to
decorate stockings. Everyone really likes this idea and voices their
1. Anna: can we get info for the kids to really personalize their stockings? Dr. Sam
says yes, they will provide initials, gender,
age, and wish list.
2. Van mentioned creating a budget for stockings. Dr. Sam says we will as we get closer
to Christmas because the number of children
may change.
ii. Allison: asks about a blanket donation. Giving gently used, warm blankets to those
in need. Dr. Sam suggests speaking with Habitat for Humanity
and local non-profits about this (coronavirus precautions, etc.)
IX. Adjournment: 12:58 P.M. (Allison motions, Anna seconds, all approved).
SGA Meeting Minutes
National Park College (via Zoom)
5 October 2020
Call to Order: 4:04 P.M.
I. Roll Call:
President, Sarah Rudder – Present
Vice President, Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary, Lacie McCready – Not Present
Treasurer, Van Oliver – Present
Public Relation, Allison Bettis – Present
Historian, Anna Balliette – Present
At-Large Rep, Dequanta Clark – Present
At-Large Rep, Destiny Phillips – Present
At-Large Rep, Courtney Williams – Present
At-Large Rep, Edgar Ceja – Not Present
At-Large Rep, Tyanna Lindsey – Present
At-Large Rep, Raquel Terrazas – Not Present
Advisor, Samantha Christian – Present
Advisor, Lindsey Vondenstein – Present
Advisor, Caysie Martin – Present
II. Approval of Minutes: for 18 September 2020. 4:07 P.M. Anna motions. Van seconds.
Motion approved.
III. Officer Reports: No officer reports.
IV. Reports from Standing Committees: No reports.
V. Reports from Ad Hoc Committees: No reports.
VI. New Business: *Due to visitors, we discuss new business first*
a. Mrs. Nanette Crane-Post, D2L questions for students: 4:10 PM
i. Nanette: What are some issues students most often face in D2L?
ii. Van: often doesn’t get emails back from instructors, general email difficulty
iii. Whendi: some instructors don’t add a lot of content/content doesn’t match up
with Cengage, etc.
iv. Allison: navigation is different in each class, makes it confusing (i.e. Course
schedule may or may not have all assignments due). Suggests
instructors make an introduction video for how their class will be set up
v. Sarah: many instructors lack D2L proficiency (CP clarified that there is training
prior to semester though).
1. Nanette: What has been the most helpful in D2L?
2. Whendi: overall, great application setup
3. Sarah: appreciates being able to find student and instructor contact info
4. Allison: enjoys the efficiency of the Course Schedule
5. Anna: also appreciates Course Schedule and Announcements feature
a. Nanette: How was the D2L Training?
b. Whendi: very helpful
c. Destiny: found it beneficial
d. Anna: many students have found D2L training to be unnecessary due to technological
proficiency. Van agrees,
finding it redundant. Sarah agrees with the feeling of lack
of necessity, but also still finds D2L training to be
i. Nanette: How is online learning? Is it what you expected?
ii. Whendi: normally isn’t a fan of online classes, but was pleasantly surprised.
iii. Sarah: thought she would not get as much out of online classes, but was also
pleasantly surprised.
iv. Allison: D2L online class experience is very dependent on each instructor.
1. Nanette: What about the course load (expectations)?
2. Allison: also dependent on instructor
3. Van: did not expect it to just be a weekly thing. Everything is going well course
Kristen (librarian) sees students coming in, frustrated. She thanks SGA for their
time and
for offering insight.
a.Nanette: Anything we like/dislike about D2L specifically (not relating to
b. Destiny: suggests all course assignments due page. Whendi agrees. Anna and Sarah
agree on “master schedule” idea.
c. Dequanta: word count in discussion posts would be helpful. Nanette agrees.
d. Nanette thanks SGA and closes
b. Melony Martinez: candidate debate and forum: 4:30 P.M.
i. Melony: mentions we usually have a candidate debate forum in-person. How else can
we inform students and local community?
ii. Sam: reiterates topic and clarifies on what we have done in the past
iii. Sarah: suggests that we interview local candidates and include in one video
iv. Melony: suggests asking candidates to record their own 1-2 minute video
v. Sarah & Van offer to help with graphic design and video creation
vi. Anna speaks on Voter View online resource
vii. Van suggests keeping it non-partisan (as possible) viii. Melony suggests 1 YouTube
video with resources in description
ix. Sarah & Sam: suggest 45 seconds/candidate. Van agrees
x. Melony: mentions need to include our sponsor, Farm Bureau.
xi. Lindsey brings up that early voting begins November 19, so we need to push this
out ASAP
xii. Sam: candidate video deadline ASAP, preferably send their videos by the 12th.
xiii. Try to have video complete and posted by Oct. 19 c. Center for Leadership Development,
4:44 P.M.
i. Sam & Sarah briefly discuss virtual SGA conference emails we have been
VII. Unfinished Business: a. Breast Cancer Awareness: 4:46 P.M.
i. Allison suggests moving BCA week to next week: Sarah says we already voted to push
it back, so it will be Oct. 10-16th, Allison says this works
ii. Allison wants to have informational fliers to hand out, possibly pink ribbons
for students to wear, etc.
iii. Sam suggests getting table from maintenance. Let Sam know when and where, and
she will reach out to them
iv. Sam: semester budget of $1,200; how much do we want to spend for BCA?
v. Whendi: suggests candy in bulk is $20-30, and we can buy ribbon and DIY ourselves
vi. Van suggests $125 cap for BCA. Van motions this, Whendi seconds. Motion was approved
($125 cap for Breast Cancer Awareness event)
b. SGA Website updating: 4:54 P.M.
i. Caysie: mentioned Anna reaching out to advisors of new student organizations
ii. Caysie will send updated org list to Anna
iii. Anna suggests everyone checks out SGA website and look over it
iv. Lindsey says there is a lot of out of date and conflicting organization on both
the SGA and student organization page.
v. Anna says she can handle the tidying of those pages, sending info on to Caysie;
Sarah volunteers to help. Anna and Sarah will discuss this
together. c. Student Life teaming up with SGA: 5:00 P.M.
i. Caysie suggests making a calendar for the whole semester with student events.
ii. Oct. 29 is movie night: Hocus Pocus & Halloween (6 and 8 P.M.)
iii. Sam: suggests Smash the Bias event + costume contest
iv. Idea of combining Smash the Bias (early afternoon) and Movie night (evening) on
that Thursday (Lindsey’s suggestion). Anna thinks this is a
great idea; Allison likes it as well.
v. Whendi: suggests that 1 PM is when most students go to eat lunch and take a break.
Late morning, early afternoon would work well. Sam
suggests 11 A.M. to 2 P.M. for Smash the Bias event on Oct. 29
VIII. Announcements: 5:09 P.M.
a. Sam: wants SGA to meet with the NPC board. This takes place on Wednesdays. She
will send us Zoom link/invite for this.
b. Sam: everyone needs to make an appointment with Cari Elliot for professional head
shots. She will send this info in email.
c. Van: next meeting, we should discuss the semester budget and how much we want to
go to where
d. Sam and Van will meet to discuss treasury business.
IX. Adjournment: Sarah adjourns meeting at 5:12 P.M.
SGA – Official Minutes for 09/18/2020
Meeting Called to order at 12:06 by President Sarah Rudder
Roll Call –
President Sarah Rudder – Present
Vice President Whendi Armstrong – Present
Secretary Lacie McCready – Present
Treasurer Van Oliver – Present
Public Relations Allison Bettis – Present
Historian Anna Balliette – Present
At Large Rep Dequante Clark – Present
At Large Rep Destiny Phillips – Present
At Large Rep Courtney Williams – Not Present
At Large Rep Tyanna Lindsey – Present
At Large Rep Raquel Terrazas – Not Present
Advisor – Dr. Samantha Christian
Advisor – Lindsey Vondenstein
Advisor – Caysie Martin
Approval of Minutes for 09/11/2020 –
Correction needs to be made on spelling of Lindsey Vondenstein’s name
Motion to approve (pending corrections) by Lacie McCready
2nd by Anna Balliette
Motion passes unanimously
Officer Reports –
None available.
Old Business –
Sarah – Takeaways from Constitution Day?
Tyanna – Made new friends
Allison – Got a number of people signed up
Anna – Do we have any pictures from Constitution Day?
Old Business (Cont’d) –
Officer Training
Vondenstein – Training is being developed but will include roles/responsibilities,
constitution/bylaws, leadership activities, social media info, etc. Officers and reps
may review “Robert’s
Rules of Order”
SGA Budget
Anna – What are our options in consideration of covid guidelines, social gatherings?
Sam – Would like to extend invitation for application of funds to other student body
groups. We need to research and decide what item we would like to utilize for distribution;
it will take
time to process.
*Please note – consensus says we will work on the SGA budget at next meeting*
Breast Cancer Awareness
Sarah – When will this take place?
Anna – Full week is most advisable vs. one specific day. A full week would be more
Whendi – We could possibly incorporate a contest for pink attire
Allison – Hashtag/promotion on social media
Sarah – Is it possible to utilize funds from SGA budget for prizes/awards in contest,
Van – We need to prioritize budget at next meeting and set allocations.
Sam – SGA may be scrutinized and should be sure all expenditures are justifiable.
Lacie – Look at budget and see what funds, if any, would be available for this purpose.
Sam – Each officer and representative should start a running list of events they would
interested in seeing take place on campus over the course of the year.
Anna – Motion to recognize BC awareness week of Oct 5th-9th
2nd – Lacie McCready
Passed unanimously
Lindsey – Create an Events Committee? Is there a volunteer to chair?
Allison to volunteer
Motion to approve – Anna
2nd – Whendi
Passed unanimously
Old Business (Cont’d) –
Breast Cancer Awareness (Cont’d)
Anna – It is possible to host Breast Cancer screening?
Sam – May partner with nursing program?
Caysie – Sebrena Lewis (campus nurse) is a good resource for information
Lacie – Will contact, CC advisors in email
New Business -
Advisor Introduction
Sarah – Introduction
Caysie Martin Introduction – Would like to see SGA collaborate with Student Life.
SL will host outdoor movie on the quad on 10/29. Would like to see reform of student
life events to
incorporate student org events. Can we add to the calendar?
Open to suggestions on updating the page and adding to the org
calendar? Would also like to see the webpage completed.
Recycling Committee
Sam – Review
Motion in favor of committee – Anna
2nd – Whendi
Motion passed unanimously
Anna and Van to volunteer on serving the committee.
Sam – Both need to reach out to students on campus to remaining participants on board.
Will revise wording to allow for more participation from students and faculty.
About Intro of SGA Officers
Whendi – Could we introduce SGA officers in a more direct fashion via FB, etc?
Sam – Get with Allison to create an introduction. You may also consider introducing
yourself in class/on campus.
Lindsey – In doing so, you can provide a point of clarity/contact for SGA role on
Anna – Is there a photographer on campus to ensure higher quality photos?
Whendi – Yes Cari Elliot (sp?).
Sam – Please reach out and see when she might be available.
New Business (Cont’d) –
About Intro of SGA Officers (Cont’d)
Lindsey – May ask graphic design as well.
Caysie – Also, speak with ITC for contribution/involvement.
Lindsey - May also consider doing a monthly video instead of a monthly
Allison – Could do some interviews w/students asking about their on campus
*Please note – We must table other New Business due to time constraints, including
discussion of
possibly funding of cheerleader’s uniforms and a Halloween costume contest*
Announcements –
Next Meeting is Monday 10/05 at 4pm
Lindsey – Get together with Allison on events committee (plan on getting together
before BC
Awareness week)
Meeting Adjourned at 13:12
SGA Meeting – September 11th, 2020
Vondenstein – Roll call
Vondenstein, Cabinet, and at Large Reps – verbal introductions
President, Sarah Rudder – Called meeting to order at 12:13 PM
Old Business - None
First Order of (New) Business- Introductions
Second – Voting on the approval of the National Park College Junior Chapter of the
Association of University Women of Hot Springs/ Hot Springs Village
Motion – Lacie McCready
Second – Ana Terrazas
Passed unanimously
Third – President/Dr. Sam – discussed SGA budget ($12000)
- Past expenditures included
o Lanyards
o Notebooks
o Water bottles
o Constitution Day event
o Student Leadership Conference
o Funds for other student organizations
Destiny – suggested masks (www.4imprint.com)
Fourth - Sarah – need reps for table at Constitution Day
Vondenstein – will confirm over “Group Me”
Fifth – Sarah – October for Breast Cancer awareness
- Make an official day for breast cancer awareness, students and faculty
encouraged to wear pink
Dr. Sam – need to set up training for counselors and at large reps. Bettis will need
to get
with advisor on rules for using campus social media. Information on posting flyers,
Will set up a meeting with Melanie Martinez. Would also like to submit an official
introduction of student officers and reps/ would like to see students coming directly
officers/reps for questions and concerns.
Vondenstein – Training will be done through D2L, keep an eye out for that.
McCready – What day and time will the BC awareness spirit day/week take place?
Vondenstein/Dr. Christian – could celebrate the BC awareness for the duration of a
week? Final decision is up to counsel. Could make it a “challenge” where students
take of picture of themselves wearing pink and tag #SGA on social media. Thoughts
ideas can be updated through group email/ “GroupMe”.
Sarah – Set date for next SGA meeting
Vondenstein/Christian – important to attend meetings, at least one per month.
Next meeting set for 09/18/20 at 12PM.
Meeting closed at 12:39