Due to continued icy conditions on campus, classes will be virtual Mon, Jan 13. Employees will report to campus.
For more information see the Campus Alerts page.
National Park College (NPC) hosted a Criminal Record Expungement Reentry Resource
Fair last week. The event was presented by the West Central Arkansas Workforce Development
Board (WCAPDD). The fair began at 10 a.m. in the Student Commons building.
Partner agencies who participated in the event included the West Central Arkansas
Workforce Development Area, NPC Adult Education, Division of Workforce Services, Arkansas
Rehabilitation Services, the Center of Arkansas Legal Services, Arkansas Crime Information
Center, Express Employment Professionals, Ouachita Behavioral Health and Wellness
(OBHAW) – Jail Diversion Team, and the Garland County Library. Breakfast was sponsored
by Encounter Church and Liberty Tax provided lunch.
The Center for Arkansas Legal Services assisted eligible offenders with criminal record
sealing in an effort to gain new or better paying employment opportunities. The partner
agencies provided attendees with mock interviews, resume building, job placement,
and education and training resources.
A total of 32 people were served at the event and 36 orders and petitions were filed
that day. “On average, if an individual went to an attorney, this could cost between
$500 and $700 per person. That’s a $16,000 - $22,400 impact within our community’s
most vulnerable citizens. What we are offering is impactful and I feel so humbled
to be a part of something much greater,” said the WCAPDD Business Engagement Coordinator,
Cora Easterday.
Easterday explained, “The purpose of the West Central Record Sealing Clinic is to
identify underemployed and unemployed individuals with criminal records, who are otherwise
work ready, to determine if barriers to employment can potentially be eliminated.
Doing so could allow individuals in our region to potentially obtain better jobs,
higher wages, and open advancement opportunities not otherwise available to them given
their criminal history.”
“The goal of our Record Sealing Clinic is to empower individuals to rewrite their
futures. This event is important because it allows community agencies to come together
to support those who need a fresh start. In providing a pathway to a brighter tomorrow,
we are not only closing the door on the past, but are opening the door for job seekers
to obtain new opportunities such as higher paying jobs and workforce advancements
not otherwise available to them. Our plan is to host two record sealing clinics a
year moving forward. One in the Diamond Lakes Region (Hot Springs), and another for
job seekers in the River Valley Region (Russellville),” added Easterday.
Associate Vice President for Workforce Bill Ritter said, “Many people in our community
made mistakes they have worked for years to overcome. Eligible individuals who have
completed all parts of their sentences can have their criminal records sealed. This
can lead to new or better job opportunities, more earning power, and even better housing
opportunities. We appreciate the WCAPDD and all of our local partners who helped pull
this record sealing clinic together and NPC Adult Education is proud to be a partner
in this life-changing event.”