NPC will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
In last year’s State of the College update, I shared my reflections regarding the
unflinching support our faculty and staff provided to NPC’s students and how the campus
rallied to overcome numerous challenges to see our mission of student success through.
I spoke of the resilience and grit displayed by NPC and my appreciation for the tireless
work of our employees amidst the pandemic. That reflected 2020, the most unique year
of my career.
In prologue to 2020, I would be unable to list all the ways our campus community came
together again during an equally turbulent and unpredictable 2021 to provide students
with the resources they needed to persist. The adaptability and willing attitude of
our faculty have set this campus apart, and I remain grateful for their unfailing
leadership. Our staff was equally willing to assist with support services that ensured
the continued success of our students. I could not be prouder of their efforts.
As we look now to the Spring 2022 semester and next academic year, we remain mindful
of the insights gained over the past two years and consider our experiences as we
plan for our future. We will prepare our budget based on these insights and the 2020-2023
Strategic Plan priorities and goals. Those priorities directly point back to fulfilling
our student success mission, which is NPC’s drumbeat.
Academic Enterprise
NPC will continue its significant strategic investment in its academic enterprise.
This will include a planned, on-premises/hybrid Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
completion program, an increased National Park University Center investment including
facilities and on-premise degrees and hiring additional credentialed faculty.
While NPC is prepared to deliver the BSN curriculum and already employs almost all
the needed faculty, the challenge to gain approval is daunting to say the least. NPC’s
millage, one of its three sources of funding, could be in immediate jeopardy due to
the current rules regarding two-year colleges and their ability to offer four-year
degrees. NPC is going to continue to aggressively pursue partnerships to expand four-year
degrees taught here at NPC. We have, and continue to hear, the voice of our students
on this topic. This remains a daunting but surmountable goal.
Workforce Development
NPC will continue expanding its influence in workforce development through partnerships
with business and industry, explore additional opportunities in apprenticeship programming,
strengthen linkages between credit and non-credit programming, and reimagine the National
Park Technology Center (NPTC). The College provides customized training to local employers
in areas such as aerospace, computer training, and industrial and leadership development.
We must be nimble and prepared to expand training opportunities when needed. Apprenticeships
combine on-the-job training with classroom instruction, supplying a talent pipeline
of qualified workers for employers and industries. We currently have robust electrical,
plumbing, and HVAC programs, and there will be an opportunity to expand into other
areas. The NPTC is a secondary area career and technology center that serves juniors
and seniors in our area public schools. The programs prepare students for entry-levelemployment and provide the foundation for further education. We are exploring renaming
the center and will include the students and parents we serve in that process. The
goal is to remake the center more relevant and better resonate with today’s students.
Campus / Financial Development
The College engaged the campus community as well as the community at large to determine
what NPC might look like in the coming decades. An emerging sentiment expressed by
many was that NPC should continue to grow and improve facilities to attract more local
students to attend both during and after high school and to attract more young people
to our area through expanded recruitment efforts. What resulted was a comprehensive
plan that was described as attempting to meet the holistic wants and needs of the
student body. In the coming months, the College will begin implementation of Phase
I of the NPC Campus Master Plan.
NPC is exploring the feasibility of launching a comprehensive fund-raising campaign.
The NPC Foundation has placed a major focus on building relationships and credibility
to secure private support that transforms lives. A campaign will allow the College
to communicate the highest priorities that will best position us to support the more
than 7,000 citizens we serve annually through credit and non-credit programming and
invite the community to join us as a partner in providing our students and community
the resources needed to thrive.
Enrollment Growth, Retention and Completion
NPC will again increase its investment in scholarships for students. Currently, 95
percent of NPC students receive financial aid and scholarships. Additional financial
resources will help alleviate the financial burden on our students while they are
earning their education.
The College will develop a plan to attract additional international students. NPC’s
price point and academic and extracurricular opportunities have already proved enticing
as evidenced by current international enrollments. Additional enrollments will create
a more diverse population of students, which will facilitate a greater understanding
of other cultures and provide a way for students to learn more about themselves and
the world in which they live.
We will also hone our advertising and student recruitment efforts, exploring relevant
new markets and retargeting existing markets. Potential students have more opportunities
now than at any other time in history, so we must prove we are the worthy first choice
for them.
Student Life
NPC will implement a career coaching program in three area high schools with the goal
of increasing the number of high school graduates prepared for either employment or
postsecondary education. Career coaches will work directly with students and empower
them to make informed, realistic plans for their futures.
Student feedback tells us there is continued demand for athletics and other extracurricular
offerings. Last year the College added men’s and women’s soccer. Volleyball, wrestling,
and e-sports are among the most requested programs that we could add to the menu.
We will also gauge interest in additional campus intramural and club activities. The
premise behind offering these opportunities is they are proven to lead to greater
academic success. The positive outcomes associated with participation in student organizations
include better performance in the classroom, leadership on campus, and overall interpersonal
Employee Engagement and Retention
NPC will extend focus on how to better support faculty and staff. Our goal is always
to recruit highly qualified individuals for all positions and retain their long-term
employment through programs designed to enhance their educational, physical, and emotional
well-being. One of our highest budget priorities each year is to fund the College’s
Quality Pay program, which provides the opportunity for employees to earn salary increases
based on their performance. We also benchmark salaries to ensure our rates remain
competitive. Additionally, the College will emphasize steps to foster a supportive
environment in which employees feel connected,encouraged, and empowered. NPC will continue to assess, prioritize, and improve the
NPC working culture, diversity, and understand the adaptations required to help employees
in the future.
Campus Health, Safety and Security
NPC will again invest in personnel and programs that increase the long-term safety
and security of our campus while implementing practices that keep students and employees
healthy. We have certainly gained experience operating with alternate processes the
past two years, but we will need to continually improve how we deliver services to
our students. The College must also preserve a safe learning and living environment
and keep students, parents and employees well informed about campus security. As we
hear the voice of our students and other stakeholders, NPC is continuing to proactively
support the mental well-being of our teams and consider how we can be more vigilant.
NPC will invest in and evaluate automation across campus to increase efficiency and
expand our capabilities. We will make continued improvements to our ERP, PeopleSoft
and fully integrate a CRM to help us make smarter decisions regarding the recruitment
of potential students. These efforts will add to our revenue line through increased
enrollments. We will also continue to find tools to support remote learning strategies
in the future. As we have made significant, additional investments in automation,
we will diligently evaluate and report on the returns our students are receiving.
I am excited to share this vision for NPC with you. The listing here is a result of
months of information gathering and communication with our stakeholders. We must continue
to be aggressive in responding to the expectations of our most important stakeholders:
our students. Our success is due to listening to our students instead of assuming
we know their needs. And when we answer their needs, we ensure the best outcomes.