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NPC News

NPC Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society Earns Five Star Chapter Award

NPC Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society Earns Five Star Chapter Award

April 15, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Alpha Beta Psi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society was recognized as a Five Star Chapter during the 2016 Nerd Nation International Convention in Washington DC. Advisors, Caleb Grisham and Nannette Crane-Post received the Distinguished Regional Advisor Team award for the Oklahoma/Arkansas Region of Phi Theta Kappa. The Five Star Chapter recognition is awarded to chapters who complete the designated plan that involves local campus involvement and progresses to regional and international involvement. Students have an opportunity to build relationships with campus leaders and gain organizational skills.

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Hospitality and Tourism Students Host International Cuisine Day

April 14, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Hospitality and Tourism program hosted an International Cuisine reception yesterday. Students were tasked with creating a dish from their assigned country and served it to guests. Participants and their assignments included: Madison Louden – Italy – Tiramisu; Jamie Durfee – Iran – Pomegrate Walnut Stew; Ana Alegria – Greece – Fasaloda; Katherine Olis – Indonesia – Chicken Satay; Bobbie Sebren – Sweden – Swedish Meatballs; Kelly Barnes – Ireland – Cheesy Potatoes; Carl Seaman – US – Burgers; Kimberly Sampson – Belgium – Waffles.

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NPC Remembers Dr. Tom Spencer, Past President

April 11, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – With great sadness and heavy hearts, the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and students of National Park College (NPC) remember the legacy of Dr. Tom Spencer, past president of NPC. Dr. Spencer passed Saturday evening. He was a quiet, humble leader with a lifelong love of learning. He had a calming demeanor and is best remembered for his fiscal responsibility and deep dedication to student success. He was a stabilizing presence for the College during a time of great change. Many remember his ability to recognize and nurture potential in others and his drive to advocate for those who had difficulty speaking up for themselves.

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Style Show

SPSF Hosts Style Show for Scholarships

April 6, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The Single Parent Scholarship Fund (SPSF) of Garland County will host the seventh Annual Style Show for Scholarships Luncheon April 14 at 11:30 a.m. at The Hills at Belvedere. style show modelsThe style show will include collections from Chantilly, Pink Avenue, Accessory Gallery, Grow, and Christi’s Boutique. Tickets are $30 per person and includes lunch courtesy of Special Touch Catering. The event will feature stories from two NPC students impacted by this scholarship and includes a silent auction, door prizes, and a cash wine bar. Proceeds will benefit the SPSC of Garland County. The SPSF of Garland County provides scholarships to men and women of Garland County who demonstrate financial need, are single parents and enrolled in a post-secondary educational course of study leading to a diploma, certificate, or degree. SPSF of Garland County scholarships encourage students’ success by providing financial assistance that can be used for transportation, child care, medical expenses, school supplies, books and fees, and housing.

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SGA Hosts Spring Car Show for Scholarships

April 4, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Student Government Association (SGA) will host a Spring Car Show April 16 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event will take place in the parking lot of the Fisher Campus Center at 101 College Drive. This is the second annual car show event the SGA has hosted. Proceeds from the car show will benefit the SGA scholarship fund at National Park College.

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Marine Students Complete Local Internships

April 4, 2016

The Marine Technology internship program is in full swing and marine students are working at various marine shops in Arkansas, including Orr Marine, Robert Hughes Marine, S&G Xtreme Marine, Copher’s Marine and Venom Motorsports. Eight students are participating in the internship program and are receiving on the job training in the marine industry. Students are interning as technicians, riggers, supervisors, parts managers and sales assistants.

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Innovative Technologies Center Hosts Code.Connect.Innovate Conference

April 1, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Innovative Technologies Center will host the Code.Connect.Innovate (CCI) computer science and information technology conference April 7-8 in the Frederick M. Dierks Center for Nursing and Health Sciences. Speakers from two and four-year institutions as well as industry will address a variety of subjects from innovative research and instruction to cyber security and cloud services. Industry partners will be present to review and explain the latest information technology products and services. Event sponsors include, Juniper Networks, Cisco Systems and NWN corporation. William Polk, Community and Corporate Training Project Coordinator said, “The CCI conference is an opportunity for college educators and staff to connect with Arkansas’ high-tech industries, share ideas, foster best practices and stimulate innovation.”

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NPC Career Center Hosts Annual Job Fair

March 31, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The NPC Career Center will host its annual College to Career Job Fair April 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Fisher Campus Center. Many campus and community partners contribute to the annual event. In preparation for the fair, Career Services hosted a workshop to help students with building a resume. Career Pathways hosted a Job Fair Boot Camp today that allowed students to learn about how to dress for success, resumes and cover letters, interview and job search skills, and grooming tips. The Student Government Association partnered with Adult Education to establish a professional clothes closet on campus that students can access to get professional attire for interviews.

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NPC Invests in Enrollment Management, Online Learning

March 30, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 30. Items for report included a new degree program, enrollment management update, overview of the budget process, and an investment in quality assessment of online learning. The March Student of the Month was introduced by Learning Acceleration Instructor, Mark Chapel. Dawn Gonzalez, 25, is a Hot Springs resident and mother of three. She has completed 93 hours toward an associate of science degree in education with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.26. She hopes to complete her degree in August 2016 and become an elementary school teacher. A Career Pathways student, Ms. Gonzalez is a National Park College Student Ambassador and work study secretary for the Learning Acceleration Division.

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Cub Scouts Visit NPC

March 30, 2016

Cub Scouts from Pack 318 visited the campus of National Park College to learn more about science. They visited with Dr. Griffin, adjunct chemistry teacher, to learn what scientists do. The scouts, ages 8-10, came prepared with three questions each and were led in a guided experiment. They made observations about vinegar and baking soda experiments with hot vinegar, cold vinegar, and room temperature vinegar. Based on what evidence shows a chemical reaction and the kinetic theory of chemical reactions, they discussed why their observations might have occurred.

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