Radiologic Technology Program Application Process

Multiple x-rays hanging in light

Application Process Checklist

Thank you for your interest in NPC's Radiologic Technology program. Please complete all of  the following steps. 

Applications are accepted January through April 15.

  • No personal items allowed such as pens, pencils, calculators, etc. The Testing Center will provide scratch paper, pencils and a calculator.
  • You must meet the minimum requirement of a 60% composite score. 
    • The exam may be taken twice if you do not meet the minimum score requirement. You will need to log into your ATI TEAS account to pay for and schedule your second test. 
  • Your TEAS scores are valid for two years.

Turn in your completed Radiologic Technology Application and attached unofficial transcripts to one of the Nursing and Health Science administrative assistants located on the second floor of the Frederick M. Dierks Center for Nursing and Health Sciences. All paperwork, including your application, must be completed and submitted to the Radiologic Technology program by April 15.

Admissions Selection Process

Each student will be ranked using the Radiologic Technology Admissions Assessment rubric. The top 20-25 students, according to the ranking, will be contacted for an in-person interview with the Radiologic Technology Admissions Committee.

Admissions Procedures

Admission process to the Radiologic Technology Program is selective. Minimum GPA (grade point average) for admission consideration is 2.5. All Science courses must be completed within the last 7 years. Grade point averages are calculated using only the pre-requisite courses required in the Radiologic Technology program, see the Radiologic Technology Admissions Assessment. Selection decisions are made after final grades are posted for the spring semester and once the full admissions process has been completed for all students.

 Criteria for admission:

  • Minimum 2.5 GPA (grade point average) from required pre-requisite courses. All pre-requisite or co-requisite courses must be completed with a C or better. All science courses must be completed within the last seven years.
  • All students applying for the program must take the ATI TEAS Version 7 Exam. A minimum score of 60% is required to be considered for the program. This test may be taken twice per admission cycle.
  • Once the TEAS exam is successfully completed and requirements are met, qualifying applicants are ranked according to the Radiologic Technology Admissions Assessment. The number of students accepted into the program depends directly on the available clinical capacity, maximum of 16 students per cohort.