Faculty Bios

interior impact

katina ennis

katina ennis

AD Nursing Faculty, Nursing & Health Sciences

As an adult I became a dislocated worker and was given the opportunity to return to school to learn a new trade. I was a wife and the mother of 2 young children, I was the epitome of a nontraditional student! When I started back to college I was not sure what kind of nursing degree that I would be able to obtain because the amount of school paid for was limited, but I knew I wanted to become a RN. I searched and found other programs that would assist me in obtaining my Associate Degree in Nursing. While taking my prerequisites my husband was informed that we were being transferred to Hot Springs in June of 2000, I had just been accepted to another nursing program close to our home. I was fortunate enough to be able to transfer all my credits and start the RN program at Garland County Community College (now National Park College) the following August. I graduated with my Associates Degree in Nursing in May of 2002. During my time as a RN have I worked in the Intensive Care Unit at a local hospital, in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit at Arkansas Children’s Hospital, and with a local hospice company. From the time I was a small child I knew I wanted to teach, I just never knew what, that was until I found nursing! I completed my Master’s Degree in Nursing (MSN) from Walden University in the fall of 2013, I completed my MSN while my kids were in high school, and I did not let it interfere with any of their activities or my family life, I worked on papers on band buses, a cruise ship, and in Disney World on another band trip! I finally made it back “home” and started teaching at National Park College in the Registered Nurse program in the fall of 2014.