Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in a regular session on May 22, 2024, beginning at 3:30 PM. Trustees present were Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Jim Hale, Rhonda Harrington, Bev Joe, Lance Porter, Forrest Spicher, Renee Westfall, and Raymond Wright.

Staff, faculty members, and guests present were Chuck Argo, Sarah Day, Wade Derden, Jessica Ellis, Kelli Embry, Roger Fox, Leane Hardin, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Brad Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Melony Martinez, Rose Milnes, Scott Post, Bill Ritter, Mary Ann Thomae, Rich Thompson, Darla Thurber, Tim Webb, and Megan Wheeler.

Sarah Day took roll call. A quorum was present.

Trustee Bev Joe provided the invocation. 

Sarah Day introduced the media and other guests present.

Items for Action

  • Trustee Bush motioned to approve the April 24, 2024, minutes as presented. Trustee Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Trustee Spicher motioned to approve the April 2024 financial statements as presented by Kelli Embry, VP for Administration, during the Finance Committee Meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
  • VP for Administration, Kelli Embry, presented the proposed Resolution 2024-A FY25 Tuition & Fees. Trustee Porter motioned to approve Resolution 2024-A FY25 Tuition & Fees as presented. Trustee Spicher seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • VP for Administration, Kelli Embry, presented the proposed Resolution 2024-B FY25 Annual Budget. Trustee Harrington motioned to approve Resolution 2024-B FY25 Annual Budget as presented. Trustee Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • National Park College Human Resources Director, Julie LaRue, presented the ratifications of personnel actions. Trustee Bush motioned to approve the ratifications as presented. Trustee Westfall seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  • Trustee Raymond Wright, provided the Building and Campus Development report. Trustee Wright asked Associate Vice President of Campus Operations, Brad Hopper, to provide the report. Hopper shared a slide presentation with visuals of each project. Mr. Hopper stated that the maintenance project had the red iron 60% complete and the fencing 70% complete. Hopper said that the Redbud Hall project had plumbers on site, excavation continued on storm drainage, and boring crews had completed 50% of the foundation piers with concrete crews pouring the piers. He stated that the site had temporary power and a laydown yard had been established in the lot across the street with a Conex storage unit for the plumbing supplies. Hopper concluded by stating that both projects were on track.
  • Chuck Argo, VP for Academic Affairs, provided a 2024 Graduation report. Argo, shared a slide presentation with several points of data. He stated that NPC had set record highs for the number of graduates and degrees conferred for a second consecutive year. Argo’s report detailed the following:
    • 885 degrees and certificates to 543 graduates for academic year 2024, an increase of 8% over 2023. This is the highest number of credentials conferred in NPC history;
    • Nine new degrees were conferred for the first time including, Associate of Applied Science in Law Enforcement Administration, Associate of Science degrees in Business Administration, Elementary Education K-6, and Language Arts Middle-Level Education, Associate of Science in Liberal Arts and Sciences degrees in Art Education, Communication Studies, and Hospitality- Lodging Management, Associate of Science –STEM in Engineering, and a Certificate of Proficiency in Law Enforcement Administration;
    • Five Southern Arkansas University (SAU) students participated in the commencement ceremony earning bachelor’s degrees in Biology-Pre-Health, and Computer Science. Apprenticeship students were also recognized during the ceremony, as well as concurrent enrollment students earning college credentials, and adult basic education graduates earning an Arkansas high school diploma. In total, 272 students walked in graduation, a 1% increase over 2023;
    • This year there were 137 livestream views from Germany, Mexico, New Zealand, Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom, and the USA, mostly by the families of student-athletes;
    • Twenty-six student-athletes earned credentials and thirty-two student-athletes will soon be awarded National Junior College Athletics Association (NJCAA) Academic All-American awards. The NPC softball team will receive All-Academic Team honors. The awards will include 11 First Team All-Americans with a 4.0 GPA, 9 Second Team All-Americans with a 3.8-3.99 GPA, and 11 Third Team All-Americans with a 3.6-3.79 GPA.
  • Board Chair Report - Chair Craft congratulated the new VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Chuck Argo, and the new VP for Workforce, Bill Ritter. Craft thanked Dr. Argo for the graduation report. She acknowledged the graduates’ determination and hard work, as well as the support of family and friends that led to this achievement. Chair Craft recognized that their success represented the cumulative effort and support of the NPC faculty and staff. Ms. Craft ended by thanking Dr. Hogan for leading the campus through another budget cycle and for leaving his presidency with the College in a fiscally secure position.
  • President's Report - President Hogan thanked the Trustees, Cabinet, and budget managers for their diligence during FY25 budget process by providing a balanced budget that continues to invest in student success and in NPC employees without raising student tuition and fees. Hogan expressed his pride regarding the graduation completion rates, stating that more associate degrees were awarded this year than any year in his tenure as NPC President. Hogan expressed his appreciation to Athletic Director, Rich Thompson, for instilling in the coaches the belief that NPC student-athletes are students first and they are here to succeed in the classroom.  President Hogan congratulated both VP for Academic Affairs, Dr. Chuck Argo, and VP for Workforce, Bill Ritter, for assuming their respective responsibilities. Hogan ended by applauding the 2024 graduates on their persistence and the quality and dedication of NPC faculty.

There was no further business. 
Trustee Westfall motioned to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:03 p.m.

Joyce Craft, Chair
Beverly Joe, Secretary/Treasurer