Agendas & Meetings

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NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

April 24, 2024

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in a regular session on February 28, 2024, beginning at 3:30 p.m. Trustees present were Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Jim Hale, Rhonda Harrington, Bev Joe, Lance Porter, Forrest Spicher, Renee Westfall, and Raymond Wright.

Staff, faculty members, and guests present were Jacynda Ammons, Chuck Argo, Alexandra Barnard, Stephen Berry, Shannon Blackburn, Blake Butler, Samantha Christian, Devan Cox, Sarah Day, Wade Derden, Jessica Ellis, Kelli Embry, Nia Fontes, Roger Fox, Lalita Fry, Mei Godfrey, Teri Helms, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Clay Hodges, Brad Hopper, Lisa Hopper, Janice Ivers, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Jennifer Lyons, Melony Martinez, Jeremy Moody, Robin Pelton, Scott Post, Bill Ritter, Rebekah Robinette, Uttar Shrestha, Mary Ann Thomae, Darla Thurber, Gary Troutman, Lynn Valetutti, and Megan Wheeler.

The media was notified of the meeting. Brandon Smith and Donald Cross of The Sentinel Record were in attendance.

Chair Joyce Craft opened the meeting with a welcome at 3:30 p.m. 

Sarah Day took roll call. A quorum was present.

Trustee Raymond Wright provided the invocation. 

Sarah Day introduced the media and other guests present.

Special recognition was given to the displayed 2024 National Championship Trophy, the resolutions adopted in both the Arkansas Senate and House of Representatives, and the recognition presented by Congressman Bruce Westerman to the NPC Nighthawk National Champion Men’s Basketball team.

National Park College Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Dr. Uttar Shrestha, introduced the April Student of the Month, Shannon Blackburn.

National Park College Phi Theta Kappa Advisor and NPC Associate Professor of Biology, Dr. Rebekah Robinette, introduced the NPC Phi Theta Kappa chapter officers.

Items for Action

  • Trustee Bush made a motion to approve the March 27, 2024, minutes as presented. Trustee Hale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Trustee Wright made a motion to approve the March 27, 2024, executive session minutes as presented. Trustee Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Trustee Harrington made a motion to approve the April 18, 2024, special meeting minutes as presented. Trustee Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Trustee Wright made a motion to approve the April 18, 2024, executive session minutes as presented. Trustee Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • Trustee Spicher made a motion to approve the March 2024 financial statements as presented by Brian Kroening, NPC Assistant Controller, during the Finance Committee Meeting. The motion passed unanimously.
  • Jennifer Lyons, NPC Dean of Business, Arts, and Technology, presented the proposed academic program changes entailing program revision of the Hospitality Administration – Event Management, AS-LAS for Transfer to ATU BS in Hospitality Administration – Event Management to a single Tourism program; deactivation of the Hospitality Administration – Food Service Management and Lodging Management programs; and deactivation of the Business – Data Science, AS for Transfer to HSU BBA in Data Science program. Trustee Spicher made a motion to approve the academic program changes as presented. Trustee Hale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  • National Park College Human Resources Director, Julie LaRue, presented the ratifications of personnel actions. Trustee Bush made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Trustee Spicher seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  • Trustee Jim Hale provided the final Presidential Search report. Hale commended the Presidential Search Committee for a job well done stating that they did their job and did it very well. Trustee Hale expressed his confidence that the best candidate was chosen.
  • Trustee Raymond Wright, provided the Building and Campus Development report. Wright stated that the new maintenance facility foundation was progressing and that the Redbud Hall excavation continued. Trustee Wright then asked Associate Vice President of Campus Operations, Brad Hopper, to provide a more detailed update on the construction projects. Hopper stated that the maintenance building was scheduled for delivery the third week in May with concrete coming soon. Mr. Hopper said that the Redbud Hall pad is up to grade with storm drains being installed.
  • Nicole Herndon, NPC Foundation Executive Director, provided a Foundation report. Herndon, thanked the Trustees for attending the Night of Art explaining that this fundraising event sponsored by Levi Hospital was attended by over 200 people and raised over $20,000. She stated that it was a wonderful showcase of NPC student talent, and will likely become an annual event. Herndon also shared that over $140,000 in scholarships were awarded at the 2024 Nursing Honors Day.
  • Board Chair Report - Chair Craft congratulated the NPC Phi Theta Kappa chapter on the awards received at the recent PTK Catalyst event. Craft thanked Senator Matt McKee and Representative Richard McGrew for the resolutions recognizing the NPC Nighthawk Champions. Chair Craft congratulated Nicole Herndon and the NPC Foundation for the successful fundraising event, Night of Art. She acknowledged the excellent art produced by NPC students and thanked the NPC Art Department faculty for their commitment to creative excellence. Craft ended by congratulating Dr. Wade Derden on being selected as the 5th NPC President. She also thanked Trustee Hale and VP Kelli Embry for co-chairing the transition team and search committee.
  • President's Report - President Hogan thanked the Trustees regarding the presidential transition process, stating that he was proud of the campus participation and grateful that the Trustees ensured the voice of the campus was heard. Hogan congratulated the NPC Foundation on their successful fundraising event, Night of Art. Dr. Hogan expressed his appreciation for the many accolades being bestowed on the men’s Nighthawk basketball team and the recognition this brings to all of Nighthawk Nation. President Hogan shared the NPC Phi Theta Kappa scholars and advisors represented the campus well at their recent conference, stating that he was proud of their diligence and commitment to excellence. Alpha Beta Psi was internationally recognized and awarded in numerous categories for the chapter’s projects conducted in 2023:
    • 1 of only 3 CCsmart Champion Awards
    • Distinguished College Project Award
    • Distinguished Honors in Action Award
    • Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award (top 10% ranking, 5th consecutive year)
    • Dr. Chuck Argo – Distinguished College Administrator Award

Round Table:

  • Congratulations to Dr. Wade Derden for being selected as the 5th President of National Park College were expressed by the Trustees.
  • Trustee Porter expressed his appreciation to Kelli Embry and Trustee Hale for leading the presidential search process.
  • Trustee Hale expressed his desire to have NPC music student, Christina Myers, at a future board meeting, stating that she represented the talent at NPC when she provided the National Anthem at a recent Hot Springs basketball tournament.

There was no further business. 
Trustee Bush motioned to adjourn. The meeting adjourned at 4:07 p.m. 

Joyce Craft, Chair
Beverly Joe, Secretary/Treasurer