Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in a regular session on March 30, 2022, beginning at 3:30 PM. Trustees present were Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Larry Bailey, Beverly Joe, Forrest Spicher, Lance Porter, Raymond Wright, Rhonda Harrison, and Jim Hale.

Staff and faculty members, and students present virtually were Lynn Valetutti, Kristin Thompson, Leane Hardin, Terri Helms, Connie Poteet, Sheryl Strother, Kristi Clark, Katherine McCorkle,

Darlene Gentles, Sara Caldwell, Amy Fincham, Joy Tucker, Janice Ivers, Candra Jennings, Kristin Quintanilla, Joel Rush, Darla Thurber, Abby Saveall, Brian Kroening, Tennille Johnson, Bill Ritter, Mike Wiles, Scott Post, Matthias Elder, Amy Watson, Yolanda Cox, Michelle Godwin, Bruce Hankins, Jerry Thomas, John Hogan, Melony Martinez, Cari Elliott, Lisa Hopper, Bill Allison, Nicole Herndon, Scott Post, David Braden (Servitas), Brad Hopper, Kelli Embry, Nathan Ritter, Christi Nation, Senchal Davis, Eve Victory, Julian Post, Rich Thompson, Autumn Wyatt, Dillon Hargrove, Dominique Battles, Jennifer Lyons, Jessie Ellis, Steve Trusty, Julie LaRue, Jason Hunt, Hunter Bjorneboe, Marcus Wyatt, Zach Muldoon, Ryan Farquharson, Jesus Minjarez, Allie Shero, Kya Schmidt, Jadyn Hart, Cam Vic, Savon Traylor, India Atkins, and Kayla Richardson.

John McMorran with Lewis Architects, and Brian Hill with Hill and Cox were also present.

The media was notified of the meeting. Brandon Smith and David Cross with Sentinel Record were in attendance.

Chair Forrest Spicher provided a welcome and Trustee Craft provided the invocation. Chair Spicher welcomed the students of the month, Jason Hunt, and Hunter Bjorneboe. Chair Spicher also welcomed the coaches and athletes who were introduced. The career coaches introduced themselves and gave a brief overview of their progress in the area schools.

Chair Forrest Spicher welcomed Dr. Lance Porter to his first Board of Trustee meeting and thanked Dr. Porter for his service and commitment to National Park College.

Items for Action

  1. Trustee Bush made a motion to approve the March 30, 2022, minutes as presented. Trustee Bailey seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Trustee Bailey made a motion to approve the January 2022 Financial Statements as presented by Bruce Hankins, Chief Financial Officer. Chairman Spicher commented that a second is not necessary because the motion came from a committee. The motion passed unanimously.
  3. Bruce Hankins, Chief Financial Officer, requested approval of Board Travel Reimbursement. Trustee Craft made a motion to approve reimbursement as presented. Trustee Wright seconded and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Kelli Embry, Vice President of Finance and Administration, presented Resolution 2022 D-Housing. Resolution 2022-D would allow NPC to begin construction of a second on-campus housing facility. Trustee Hale made a motion to approve Resolution 2022 D as presented, Trustee Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  5. Julie LaRue, Director of Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel actions. Trustee Bush made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Trustee Hale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

 Items for Report

  1. Melony Martinez, Director of Marketing and Public Relations, presented a report of local and state media outlets, platform performance ratings, and engagement metrics. Areas addressed in this report were earned media, social media, website, and digital media.
  2. Board Chair Report presented by Chair Spicher. Chair Spicher congratulated and welcomed the students of the month, the career coaches, and the athletes. Chair Spicher stated, "Our students can be more successful living on campus because they are provided with direct access to shared campus resources such as internet access, food service, library, tutoring services, and more. They also make connections and can better participate as a member of the campus community. There are many reasons on-campus housing at NPC is a great investment. I appreciate the Board taking this step today."  
  3. Presidents Report presented by Dr. John Hogan. President Hogan congratulated Hunter and Jason, students of the month, and welcomed the athletes and the career coach team. He congratulated Dr. Bill Allison for successfully defending his dissertation and appointment to the Governors statewide apprenticeship steering committee. President Hogan offered a farewell to CFO Bruce Hankins and sentiments of appreciation to Melony Martinez for the marketing and public relations update. President Hogan commented, "I'm grateful for the Board's continued vision to provide the resources our students need to be successful. One of those resources is safe, affordable housing, and now more than ever we need to provide that space on our campus. Research* indicates that students are more likely to be more successful and complete if they live on campus, particularly when the on-campus experience encourages student learning and engagement."

*American Council on Education

There being no further business, Chair Spicher made a motion to adjourn, Trustee Bailey seconded. The meeting adjourned at 4:32 PM.

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Beverly Joe, Secretary/Treasurer