Agendas & Meetings

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NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

September 22, 2021

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in a regular session on September 22, 2021. The regular meeting began at 3:30 PM in the Student Commons Conference Center on the National Park College campus. Trustees present Larry Bailey, Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Gail Ezelle, Jim Hale, Bev Joe, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright.

Staff and faculty members present in-person and virtually were Bill Allison, Te'Airra Blanchard, Juanita Brewer, Blake Butler, Pam Castleberry, Samantha Christian, Yolanda Cox, Wade Derden, Jessie Ellis, Kelli Embry-Sorrells, Amy Fincham, Roger Fox, Darlene Gentles, Michelle Godwin, Bruce Hankins, Katelynn Hardage, Leane Hardin, Terri Helms, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Brad Hopper, Lisa Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Jason Hudnell, Janice Ivers, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Kurt Markish, Melony Martinez, Susan Millerd, Mark Oliver, Andi Otwell, Robin Pelton, Scott Post, Connie Poteet, Kristin Quintanilla, Bill Ritter, Nathan Ritter, Jose Rodriguez, Janet Smith, Javon Southwell, Sheryl Strother, Jerry Thomas, Rich Thompson, Kristin Thompson, Darla Thurber, Steve Trusty, John Tucker, Joy Tucker, Lynn Valetutti, Tim Ward, Amy Watson, and Mike Wiles.

David Braden of Servitas, Dawn Brooks, and John McMorran of Lewis Architects and Engineers attended the meeting as guests.

The media was notified of the meeting. Brandon Smith and JB Ford from the Sentinel Record were present.

Chair Forrest Spicher provided a welcome, and Raymond Wright provided the invocation.

Items for Action

  1. Trustee Bush made a motion to approve the August 25, 2021 minutes as Trustee Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Trustee Bailey made a motion to approve the FY22 Year-end reports as presented by Bruce Hankins, Chief Financial Trustee Hale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Darla Thurber, Vice President for External Affairs, presented proposed revisions to NPC policies 120, 2.700, 7.200, and 8.100. Trustee Wright made a motion to approve the policy revisions as presented. Trustee Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Kelli Embry, Vice President for Administration, presented the proposed High Priority Objectives for 2021-2022. Trustee Craft made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Trustee Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  5. Julie LaRue, Director of Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel Trustee Wright made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Trustee Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. NPC Campus Master Plan Concept - John McMorran of Lewis Architects and Engineers presented a master plan proposal to the The NPC Campus Planning and Development Committee worked with McMorran to create a vision for NPC’s future based on data and feedback from campus and community stakeholders. McMorran compiled the information to create renderings of a bold and visionary 25-year master plan concept that includes locations for additional on-campus housing, athletics facilities, a performing arts center, new academic buildings, new buildings for workforce and skilled trades, and expansion for nursing and health sciences. The concept maximizes the campus’ natural setting and addresses needs for growing programs, while keeping in mind future growth and opportunities. The College will host a series of public forums in October to solicit feedback for further shaping and refining the master plan proposal, and the Board will be presented with a final concept to approve during the October Regular Meeting.
  2. Fall 2021 Enrollment Report - Jerry Thomas, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, provided a Fall 2021 enrollment report to the Board, noting the College is slightly up in college students and semester credit hours. Enrollment for Fall 2021 is 1,920 compared to 1,914 enrolled in 2020 as of the 11th day census count. NPC was one of two community college in the state to see growth in undergraduate college students, with a 22% increase in new students. Semester credit hours for Fall 2021 are 22,445 compared to 22,270 for Fall 2020.
  3. Board Chair Report – Chair Spicher discussed the importance of setting long-term goals and visions. He indicated that a plan should take on its own life and be a living dynamic plan that will be a tool for planning and executing a vision for the Chair Spicher shared that the plan will be a guide, but the plan will likely change as the College considers growth on campus.
  4. President’s Report – President Hogan commended the team for achieving growth in the midst of a difficult environment. He emphasized the importance of listening to student needs. He described students as the College’s main architects. The College has listened to the student body, executed plans based on what was heard, and is successful because the willingness to

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:31 PM.

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer