Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

August 25, 2021

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in a regular session on August 25, 2021. The regular meeting began at 3:30 PM in the Student Commons Conference Center on the National Park College campus. Trustees present in-person were Larry Bailey, Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Gail Ezelle, Jim Hale, Rhonda Harrington, Bev Joe, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright.

Staff and faculty members present in-person and virtually were Bill Allison, Latisa Beason, Eric Boardway, Juanita Brewer, Blake Butler, Stephen Carroll, David Carrouth, Pam Castleberry, Jason Chism, Samantha Christian, Yolanda Cox, Wade Derden, Kristen Dobbs, Cari Elliott, Jessica Ellis, Kelli Embry-Sorrells, Amy Fincham, Roger Fox, Darlene Gentles, Michelle Godwin, Bruce Hankins, Katelynn Hardage, Terri Helms, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Lisa Hopper, Brad Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Janice Ivers, Donna Kay, Melissa Krafft, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Pat Longinotti, Jennifer Lyons, Kurt Markish, Melony Martinez, Susan Millerd, Miles Morton, Mark Oliver, Robin Pelton, Haydee Perez, Connie Poteet, Bill Ritter, Joel Rush, Sharon Sinclair, Karen Smeltzer, Janet Smith, Sheryl Strother, Jerry Thomas, Kristin Thompson, Darla Thurber, Steve Trusty, John Tucker, Joy Tucker, Tabatha Tuskey, Lynn Valetutti, Lisa Walker, Tim Ward, Trae Warner, and Mike Wiles.

Dr. Douglas Ross, President of CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs, was a special guest at the meeting. The media was notified of the meeting. John Anderson from the Sentinel Record was present. Chair Forrest Spicher provided a welcome and provided the invocation.

Items for Action

  1. Trustee Bush made a motion to approve the June 23, 2021 minutes as Trustee Hale seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Trustee Wright made a motion to approve the FY22 Housing and Food Service budgets as presented by Bruce Hankins, Chief Financial Trustee Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Trustee Bailey then moved to accept the May 2021 month-end financial reports presented by Mr. Hankins. Trustee Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Wade Derden, Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented Resolution 2021-F to authorize the College to submit a letter of intent to offer baccalaureate degrees in fields of study that are relevant to the needs of Garland County and the surrounding region on the NPC campus. Trustee Hale made a motion to approve the naming Trustee Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Dr. Douglas Ross, president of CHI St. Vincent Hot Springs, thanked the Board of Trustees for their action and explained the dire need for nursing graduates. He shared that there is a significant nursing shortage across the country and Arkansas. There were significant shortages before the COVID pandemic. He shared that, in the next three to five years, there is going to be a need for over two million nurses nationally. Dr. Ross emphasized the hospital’s commitment to provide quality care by seeking a magnet status and the importance of BSN credentialed nursing staff. He stated that it is not only a

    number of demand, but of quality. He stated that he applauds National Park College for taking this next step toward the BSN program.

  4. Julie LaRue, Director of Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel actions. Trustee Harrington made a motion to approve the ratifications as Trustee Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. Chair Forrest Spicher shared that the Board authorizing the College to submit a letter of intent to offer a BSN on campus is the culmination of a long journey to provide the community with quality healthcare professionals. He expressed gratitude to the NPC leadership team for the efforts.
  2. Jerry Thomas, Vice President for Student Affairs and Enrollment Management, provided an update on the career coach grant the College recently received. NPC's inaugural participation in the career coach program will be in partnership with Lake Hamilton, Hot Springs, and Cutter Morning Star High Schools. The grant is offered through the Division of Career and Technical Education. The goal of the program is to ensure students are exposed to job training and educational opportunities beyond high school through career exploration, development, and planning to prepare for 21st-century jobs. NPC will be able to put a career coach inside the high schools full-time and for 12 months. Career coaches work with students as early as eighth grade and prep them for career readiness and college The grant is for one year and is renewable every year with part of the funds from the state and the other part from the high schools themselves.
  3. President John Hogan noted the College is responding to the community’s need by seeking approval to offer a BSN degree. He shared that our local healthcare providers and the larger community have expressed the need for qualified nurses in Garland County and NPC is prepared to answer that He emphasized that NPC will remain dedicated to the community college mission. He state that NPC is, first and always, a community college and that he is dedicated to that mission, the governance of NPC, its role in workforce and community development, and his belief that our work is extremely important to the future of this community.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:08 PM.

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer