Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

October 28, 2020

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in regular session on October 28, 2020. The Finance Committee began at 3:15 p.m. followed by the regular meeting at 3:30 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually via Zoom. Trustees present for the Finance Committee meeting were Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Gail Ezelle, Jim Hale, Don Harris, Bev Joe, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright. Trustees present for the regular meeting were Larry Bailey, Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Gail Ezelle, Jim Hale, Don Harris, Bev Joe, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright.

Staff and faculty members present were Jerry Thomas, Donna Kay, Nathan Ritter, Ashley Clayborn, Leslie Braniger, John Hogan, Blake Butler, Lisa Hopper, Melony Martinez, Kelli Embry, Wade Derden, Darla Thurber, Nicole Herndon, Steve Trusty, Bruce Hankins, Janice Ivers, Brad Hopper, Brian Kroening, Gwendolyn Carter, Jason Martin, Toni Knupps, Roger Fox, Julie Larue, Darlene Gentles, Chris Coble, Jill Houlihan, Lindsey Vondenstein, Sheryl Strother, Mike Wiles, Whendi Armstrong, Anne Benoit, John Tucker, Terri Helms, Dale Powell, Tennille Johnson, Tim Ward, Robert Feighl, Kat McCorkle, Caysie Martin, Lynn Valetutti, Matthias Elder, Donna Nevill, Amy Fincham, Lacie McCready, Jessie Ellis, Susan Millerd, Scott Post, Susan Gather-Maddox, Jennifer Evans, Janet Brewer, Gayla Mattoon.

The media was notified of the meeting. John Anderson from the Sentinel Record was present.

Chair Forrest Spicher welcomed everyone to the October National Park College Board meeting. He commended the NPC team for keeping the technology and communications running.

Raymond Wright presented the invocation.

Lindsey Vondenstein, a co-advisor for Student Government Association, introduced each of the newly elected officers. This included Sarah Rudder as President, Whendi Armstrong as Vice President, Lacie McCready as Secretary, Van Oliver as Treasurer, Allison Bettis as Public Relations Officer, Anna Balliette as Historian, and then Tyanna Lindsey, Edgar Ceja, Raquel Terrazas, Dequanta Clark, and Destiny Phillips as at-large representatives. Allison Bettis, Van Oliver, Sarah Rudder, and Whendi Armstrong were present at the meeting.

Nicole Herndon introduced Ira Kleinman, chair of the Oaklawn Foundation preceding his remarks.

Items for Action

  1. Mike Bush made a motion to approve the September 23 Meeting Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Steve Trusty, Vice President for Finance and Administration, presented the June 30 2019 audit for acceptance and the August 2020 financial reports for approval. Raymond Wright moved to accept the audit as presented. Bev Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously. Mike Bush moved to accept the financial reports as presented. Don Harris seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Nicole Herndon, Executive Director of the National Park College Foundation, presented the new naming opportunity, the Oaklawn Foundation Hospitality and Tourism Center. Raymond Wright moved to accept the naming as Gail Ezelle seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Wade Derden, Vice President of Academic Affairs, presented academic program changes. First, Dr. Derden proposed a program revision of a technical certificate and Associates of Life Science in Networking to a technical certificate and Associates of Life Science Networking and Cybersecurity. Second, Dr. Derden proposed a program deletion of Computer Information Systems program, with the migration of current students into the SAU Computer Science program. Mike Bush moved to accept the academic program changes as presented. Gail Ezelle seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  5. Julie LaRue, Interim Director of Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel actions. She noted that we were requesting the changes as listed in the meeting packet. LaRue also proposed a provisional position funded by the DHS childcare Gail Ezelle made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Joyce Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. Board Chair Report – Chair Spicher commented on the tourism and hospitality industry in the Garland County area. He reported approximately eight million visitors to Hot Springs a year and about eight thousand workers in the local tourism and hospitality
    1. Ira Kleinman, chair of the Oaklawn Foundation, remarked on his own experiences on the campus as student in the 1990s. He then discussed the changes on NPC campus since his time as a student and the intense contrast between the two eras. Kleinman discussed the Oaklawn Foundation’s commitment to supporting students and seniors and commended NPC’s rebranding efforts.
  2. HPO and Strategic Plan – Kelli Embry, Vice President of Operations, gave a detailed report on the outcomes for each of the previous planning year’s High Priority Objectives. Embry highlighted the constraints placed on NPC and higher education after the COVID- 19 Embry concluded with a reflection on the highlights of the prior school year including enrollment numbers and the new four-year degree programs. She went on to discuss the highlights of the prior strategic planning period. Embry emphasized the future goals of strategic planning including updating the campus master plan, considering the future of higher education and maximizing student recruiting, and focusing on a campus culture that is diverse and inclusive.
  3. Campus Update - Brad Hopper, Director of Physical Plant and Maintenance, reported that the team is working on bringing the Machining Center from ITC back to campus. They are finalizing the architectural plans for that relocation and hope to have it completed by the December break. Hopper reported that they were able to fill the maintenance position that has been vacant for three months, but they lost one of the day custodians leaving two vacant positions.
  4. Remarks – Steve Trusty, Vice President of Finance and Administration, reflected on his five years at National Park College preceding his upcoming transition to a part-time role as Senior Vice President in March 2021. He remarked on his gratitude for the Cabinet members, Board members, and the faculty and staff of NPC. Trusty stated that the students are our focus, always, and that this college is like a mission field. Trusty reflected on the community and state support NPC has for fostering student success. Each of the Board members took time to express their gratitude for Trusty’s work.
  5. President’s Report – John Hogan reflected on Trusty’s time at NPC and his commitment to the values of trust and student Hogan then remarked on his appreciation for the SGA officers. He expressed gratitude to Ira Kleinman and the Oaklawn Foundation.

    Hogan highlighted Kelly Embry’s use of the collective “we” as exemplary of the meeting and mission of NPC as a whole.

    Hogan expressed his thanks for Embry, Derden, and their respective teams. He reflected on NPC’s accomplishments but emphasized the importance of looking forward and continuing to strive for excellence.

    Hogan reiterated his gratitude to Kleinman for his generous comments regarding NPC and the value of the new Oaklawn Foundation Hospitality and Tourism Center for the larger community.

    Chair Spicher discussed the success of the meeting and received final remarks from each Board member.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:13 p.m

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer