Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

June 24, 2020

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in Executive Session on June 24, 2020 beginning at 2:45 p.m. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meeting was held virtually via Zoom. Trustees present were Larry Bailey, Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Gail Ezelle, Jim Hale, Don Harris, Bev Joe, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright.

The Executive Session concluded at 3:15 p.m. The Finance Committee began at 3:15 p.m. followed by the regular meeting at 3:37 p.m.

Staff and faculty members present were Anne Benoit, Eric Boardway, Janet Brewer, Juanita Brewer, Blake Butler, Yolanda Cox, Wade Derden, Cari Elliott, Kelli Embry, Jennifer Evans, Laurie Everton, Amy Fincham, Darlene Gentles, Bruce Hankins, Leane Hardin, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Wanda Holden, Brad Hopper, Lisa Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Janice Ivers, Donna Kay, Toni Knupps, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Melony Martinez, Kat McCorkle, Susan Millerd, Donna Nevill, Scott Post, Kristin Quintanilla, Bill Ritter, Nathan Ritter, Sharon Sinclair, Sheryl Strother, Judy Throgmartin, Darla Thurber, Steve Trusty, John Tucker, Tim Ward, and Mike Wiles.

Chair Spicher presented the invocation. The media was notified of the meeting.

Chair Spicher welcomed everyone to the meeting. He asked each member to identify themselves when making a motion or second.

Dr. Hogan announced that Laury Ramos was this year’s recipient of the ACC Academic All-Star Student award. Ms. Ramos has been a student at NPC since the fall of 2018 and has completed her first year in the Registered Nursing program. She plans to continue her education by transferring to Henderson State University to obtain her Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The ACC Academic All-Star Scholarship is awarded annually to students from each of the two-year colleges in Arkansas as recognition of their academic and service achievements.

Dr. Hogan announced that Sarah Durand was this year’s recipient of the Spirit of NPC Award. She was awarded a Certificate of General Studies and is a Nursing major with plans to graduate with an Associate of Science in Nursing in 2021. Phi Theta Kappa selects a student who exemplifies academic achievement, demonstrates personal advancement, and contributes to the overall spirit of the College. This award is given in honor of Rachel Bradham Spencer and Thomas Morris Spencer.

Nicole Herndon, Executive Director of the NPC Foundation, announced that Dr. Stephanie Rose was selected as this year’s Outstanding Alumnus. Dr. Rose obtained an Associate of Science and an Associate of Arts degree from NPC. She continued her education at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock and completed a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Science in Social Work. From there, she completed a Doctorate in Social Work with an emphasis in Addiction Studies from Capella University.

Dr. Rose is an assistant professor of addiction studies at the University of Central Arkansas. She also oversees internships, advises students, and conducts research. She is part of the National Collegiate Network, the Interprofessional Education Committee, National Addiction and Drug Counselors, and was formerly the president of the National Association of Social Workers board. Dr. Rose continues to practice as a therapist part-time.

Janet Brewer, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, announced that psychology instructor, Dr. Samantha Christian, was selected as this year’s Outstanding Faculty member. Dr. Christian has a Bachelor of Science in Psychology from the University of Arkansas in Little Rock, a Master of Science in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Capella University, and a Ph.D. in Industrial/Organizational Psychology from Capella University. She was hired in 2010 as an adjunct faculty member and hired as a full-time faculty member in 2015. In addition to teaching, she also serves as an advisor for NPC’s Student Government Association, the Higher Learning Commission co-chair, the International Student Committee, and is a past chair of the Faculty Senate. She is also on the board of directors for the Cooper-Anthony Mercy Child Advocacy Center and the resident advisory board for Parks and Trails for Hot Springs.

Ms. Brewer announced that intervention specialist and counselor, Susan Millerd, was selected as this year’s Outstanding Staff Member. Ms. Millerd has a Bachelor of Science in Social Work from the University of Arkansas at Fayetteville and a Master of Science in Social Work from the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. She is a licensed clinical social worker and certified alcohol and drug counselor. She started her career at NPC eight years ago. She serves as the Title IX coordinator for the College, participates in the campus Cultural Diversity Awareness Club, the crisis team, the behavioral intervention team, and the risk management team. She is the advisor for both the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) on campus student organization and the Anime Club, which she began not long after joining NPC. Off-campus, Ms. Millerd is on the board of Suicide Prevention Allies and is the domestic violence task force co- chair for 2020.

Items for Action

  1. Mike Bush made a motion to approve the May 27, 2020 Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Gail Ezelle made a motion to approve the June 3, 2020 special called minutes. Bev Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Steve Trusty, Vice President for Finance and Administration, presented the April 2020 financial reports for He reviewed the budgets for NPTC and Adult Education. Don Harris moved to accept the financial reports as presented. Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Kelli Embry, Vice President for Workforce and Strategic Initiatives, presented the 2020- 2023 Strategic Plan. The strategic plan was developed over an eighteen-month period and included input from students, faculty and staff, employers, and community Ms. Embry recognized the Strategic Planning Committee and President’s Cabinet for their hard work. She outlined the 2020–2023 priorities, which are (1) Student-Focused Services (2) Academic Excellence (3) Performance Based Culture (4) Employee Development (5) Resources, and (6) Community Partnership. Gail Ezelle made a motion to approve the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan as presented. Bev Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  5. Nicole Herndon, Executive Director of the NPC Foundation, presented a resolution to express appreciation for a monetary gift recognizing Bob Megahan’s achievements and commitment to NPC, the NPC Foundation, and to the Garland County Mike Bush moved to approve Resolution 2020-D to name the health services center the Bob Megahan Student Health Services Center as presented. Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  6. Nicole Herndon, Executive Director of the NPC Foundation, presented a resolution to express appreciation to Ray and Pat Smith, through generous monetary contributions in their Mr. Smith was a former Arkansas Representative and served on the NPC Board for many years. Don Harris moved to approve Resolution 2020-E to name the Fisher Conference Room (F354) the Ray and Pat Smith Conference Room as presented. Mike Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  7. Janet Brewer, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel Gail Ezelle made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  8. Chair Spicher made a motion to renew President John Hogan’s contract for the employment period beginning July 1, 2020 and ending June 30, 2023. Mike Bush made a motion to approve the President’s contract as presented. Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. Board Chair Report – Chair Spicher thanked everyone for attending the meeting via Zoom and recognized Dr. Hogan for his leadership through this uncharted territory.
  2. Building and Campus Development Update – Brad Hopper, Director of Physical Plant and Maintenance, gave a construction update. The remodeling project in Fisher is ninety-five percent complete. The kitchen equipment has been installed. The interior of the Lab Science addition will be finished by August 1. The exterior brick shipment has been delayed. Both of these projects are on budget. The exterior of Dogwood Hall is ninety-five percent Work continues on the interior with the elevator installation expected to take place on July 1.
  3. Commencement Update – Wade Derden, Vice President for Academic Affairs, reported one hundred thirty-four Fall 2019 graduates and three hundred forty-four Spring 2020 graduates. Four hundred seventy-six graduates received six hundred seventy-eight degrees. This is a 16.2% increase from last year despite the pandemic. The increase is due to the work of our amazing faculty who kept moving forward during a challenging year. Derden shared that there were several graduates in new degrees including the first graduate through the SAU computer gaming program.
    The first NPC drive through graduation was a great event with seventy-one participants. Dr. Derden applauded Dr. Yolanda Cox and the graduation planning committee for coordinating the ceremony. He thanked all the volunteers and faculty and staff who attended to support our students. Graduates will have the opportunity to participate in a formal commencement ceremony next Spring.
  4. President’s Report – Dr. Hogan congratulated Laury Ramos and Sarah Duran for their achievements. He also congratulated Dr. Rose, Dr. Christian, and Ms. Millerd and acknowledged each for their accomplishments and dedication to the College. He recognized those who recently retired and thanked them for their many years of service.
    He thanked Kelli Embry and the Strategic Planning committee for developing the 2020- 2023 Strategic Plan. This year was particularly challenging with ending the previous five- year strategic plan during a pandemic while creating a new three-year plan.
    He expressed his gratitude to all those involved in coordinating and participating in the drive-through commencement ceremony. This was a very important event for our students.
    The Risk Management Team has been busy with preparations to get everyone back on campus with protocols in place to keep students and employees safe and healthy.
    The ribbon-cutting for Dogwood Hall is tentatively scheduled for August 18 at 10:00 a.m.
    Dr. Hogan shared his gratefulness to the Board, Cabinet, and faculty and staff for an amazing six years. The College’s investment in the community and students will make a generational impact. He was humbled to be given the opportunity to serve the College.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:36 p.m

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer