Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

February 26, 2020

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in regular session on February 26, 2020, in the Student Commons (CO-123) following a luncheon with guests from Southern Arkansas University. Trustees present were Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Jim Hale, Don Harris, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright.

Staff and faculty members present were Eric Boardway, Leslie Braniger, Janet Brewer, Juanita Brewer, Blake Butler, Chris Coble, Yolanda Cox, Laurie Everton, Kelly Embry, Roger Fox, Susan Gaither, Greg Gilbert, Bruce Hankins, John Hogan, Wanda Holden, Brad Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Gerald Huddleston, Jason Hudnell, Rodney Ivers, Tennille Johnson, Donna Kay, Toni Knupps, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Jennifer Lyons, James Montgomery, Robin Pelton, Scott Post, Kristin Quintanilla, Melony Ritter, Sheryl Strother, Jerry Thomas, Christopher Thrasher, Darla Thurber, Steve Trusty, John Tucker, Lynn Valetutti, Lisa Walker, and Mary Kay Wurm.

Jim Hale presented the invocation.

The media was notified of the meeting. John Anderson from the Sentinel Record was present.

Dr. Christopher Thrasher, Social Sciences Faculty and NPC Honors Program Coordinator, introduced the February Student of the Month, Audra Larsen. Audra enrolled at NPC in the fall of 2018 and had planned to pursue a career in the medical field, but decided Criminal Justice was her passion. Upon completion of her coursework at NPC she will transfer to the University of Arkansas Fort Smith. In addition to her work-study position and maintaining a 4.0 GPA, she also makes time to volunteer in the community. She completed seventy-three hours of community service last semester and forty-hours to date this semester. Audra expressed her gratitude for the opportunities she has been given at NPC.

Coach Dillion Hargrove and Coach Jessie Taylor introduced the baseball and softball teams. The coaches conveyed that none of this would be possible without the support of the College, the Board, and Coach Hudnell.

Items for Action

  1. Jim Hale made a motion to approve the January 22, 2020 Joyce Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Steve Trusty, Vice President for Finance and Administration, presented the November and December 2019 financial reports for Raymond Wright moved to accept the financial reports as presented. Don Harris seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Steve Trusty, Vice President for Finance and Administration, presented an action item to approve Board members receiving reimbursement of travel expenses for Act 1211 of 1995 requires annual Board action regarding payment of National Park College (NPC) Board of Trustees members’ travel expenses under the rules that govern reimbursement of State employees. The state rules include meal limits of $55 per day in-state and beginning at $55 per day out-of-state depending on the location. By state policy and NPC practice, actual host hotel/motel rates which are higher than the federal maximums can be paid if the rates are higher at the meeting facility. There is no reimbursement for meals if a trip does not include an overnight stay. The current state mileage reimbursement rate is $0.42 per mile. Receipts are required for reimbursement for meals, hotel rooms, etc. Don Harris made a motion to approve reimbursement of board travel expenses as presented. Mike Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Blake Butler, Chief Information Officer, presented Resolution 2020-A authorizing NPC to enter into contract negations with Sierra-Cedar to upgrade and provide systems support to migrate the current ERP to an offsite hosted platform as set out in the The total expenditures for this project are not to exceed $1.2M over a three-year period. Don Harris made a motion to approve Resolution 2020-A as presented. Raymond Wright seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  5. Janet Brewer, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel Mike Bush made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Joyce Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. Board Chair Report – Chair Spicher recognized Dr. Trey Berry, Southern Arkansas University President, board members Therral Story, Monty Harrington, Gary Golden, and other members of the SAU Dr. Berry stated that they were happy to be on campus and to be a strategic partner with NPC. Chair Spicher thanked the team for traveling to Hot Springs.
  2. Building and Campus Development Update – Brad Hopper, Director of Physical Plant and Maintenance, gave a construction update. Lab Science piers have been drilled and the slab will be poured soon. The remodel work is continuing in the Fisher Campus Center and the project is still on time and within the budget. Dogwood Hall has a roof and ninety percent of the windows have been installed. A bid for signage at the new campus entrance will be sent out Numbers will be affixed to the outside of campus buildings to assist students, visitors, and first responders with navigating the campus.
  3. President’s Report – Dr. Hogan congratulated Audra Larsen for being selected the January Student of the He thanked Coach Hargrove and Coach Taylor for their leadership and hard work with the baseball and softball programs.
    He expressed his appreciation to the SAU team for coming to campus. Based on our recent survey, students are eager to have four-year degrees on our campus. He stated that it was refreshing to be in a partnership that puts students first. Strategic partnerships are not an easy road and we should all be celebrating the impact this will have on our students and their families.
    He announced that immediately following the board meeting, there will be a groundbreaking ceremony at the Lab Science building.

Chair Spicher added that the student presentations during the luncheon were inspiring. He thanked the SAU contingent for attending the luncheon, board meeting, and groundbreaking ceremony. Today was a manifestation of all the hard work that has been done to make four-year degrees a reality.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1:40 p.m

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer