Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

April 22, 2020

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in regular session on April 22, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 virus, the meeting was held virtually via Zoom. Trustees present were Larry Bailey, Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Jim Hale, Don Harris, Bev Joe, Forrest Spicher, and Raymond Wright.

Staff and faculty members present were Barry Ballard, Eric Boardway, Leslie Braniger, Janet Brewer, Blake Butler, Chris Coble, Yolanda Cox, Wade Derden, Matthias Elder, Cari Elliott, Kelli Embry, Jennifer Evans, Amy Fincham, Susan Gaither, Bruce Hankins, Leane Hardin, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Brad Hopper, Lisa Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Gerald Huddleston, Jason Hudnell, Janice Ivers, Rodney Ivers, Lisa Jackson, Tennille Johnson, Donna Kay, Toni Knupps, Melissa Kraft, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Susan Millerd, Donna Nevill, Cassandra Parks, Scott Post, Marilyn Ridge, Melony Ritter, Peter Rognrud, Sharon Sinclair, Sheryl Strother, Jerry Thomas, Christopher Thrasher, Judy Throgmartin, Darla Thurber, Erica Torrence, Steve Trusty, John Tucker, Lynn Valetutti, Lisa Walker, Tim Ward, Amy Watson, Mike Wiles, and Mary Kay Wurm.

Forrest Spicher welcomed everyone to NPC’s first virtual Board meeting. He stated that although the bylaws don’t mention virtual meetings, they do state that “the board will determine a regular date, time, and place for monthly meetings, to be altered only when necessary and when agreed upon by the Board.” This pandemic constitutes an appropriate reason to alter the meeting place. He asked each member to identify themselves when making a motion or second.

Chair Spicher presented the invocation.

The media was notified of the meeting. John Anderson from the Sentinel Record was present.

Darla Thurber, Vice President for External Affairs, introduced the March and April Student of the Month recipients.

Tyler Boughan, March 2020 Student of the Month, is a student in the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)/Paramedic program. He currently works full-time as an EMT for LifeNet, Inc. in Hot Springs where he serves as a training officer, helping entry-level and new hire EMTs. He will graduate from the paramedic program in August 2020 and plans to return to college at a later date to further his education.

Kaitlyn Burroughs, April 2020 Student of the Month, began college at the University of Arkansas at Fort Smith and transferred to NPC. She is majoring in biology and chemistry, in hopes of becoming a physician’s assistant. Kaitlyn will finish her bachelor's degree at Henderson State University in 2022 and then plans to apply to the Physician Assistant program at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).

Items for Action

  1. Joyce Craft made a motion to approve the February 26, 2020 Larry Bailey seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Steve Trusty, Vice President for Finance and Administration, presented the January and February 2020 financial reports for approval. Bev Joe moved to accept the financial reports as presented. Don Harris seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Wade Derden, Vice President for Academic Affairs, presented academic program changes to revise a Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) Code. CIP Codes are given by the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) to track, assess, and report fields of study and program completion activity and are updated every ten years. After reviewing the revised 2020 CIP Codes we determined, in conjunction with other colleges in the state, that the definition of one current CIP code does not align with the range of teaching levels included in our curriculum. There was a proposal to change CIP Code 13.1203 Junior High/Intermediate/Middle School Education and Teaching to CIP Code 13.1206 Teacher Education, Multiple Levels. In addition, there was a proposal to delete the Technical Certificate in Photography. All students pursuing this certification have completed or have changed their degree to the new AAS and TC in Digital and Media Arts, which provides students with a more current and marketable set of skills. Mike Bush moved to accept the academic program changes as presented. Larry Bailey seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Kelli Embry, Vice President for Workforce and Strategic Initiatives, presented proposed revisions to Policy 1.300 Mission, Vision, and Purpose on behalf of the Strategic Planning Committee. The committee spent a significant amount of time researching and reviewing this A draft was presented to the President’s Cabinet for review in June 2019. Proposed revisions were opened for the required public comment period. Larry Bailey moved to accept the revisions to Policy 1.300 Mission, Vision, and Purpose as presented. Joyce Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  5. Nicole Herndon, Executive Director of the NPC Foundation, presented a resolution (2020-B) to recognize a contribution from the family of Tom Daniel, Sr. to memorialize Mr. Daniel and his commitment to the greater Hot Springs area. The Career Services suite in the Student Commons will be named the Tom Daniel, Sr. Career Services Center in his There will be a dedication ceremony once we return to campus. Don Harris moved to approve Resolution 2020-B to name the career services area the Tom Daniel, Sr. Career Services Center as presented. Bev Joe seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  6. Janet Brewer, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, presented the ratifications of personnel Mike Bush made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Joyce Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. Board Chair Report – Chair Spicher thanked everyone for meeting via He acknowledged Nathan Ritter and others who helped organize the meeting.
  2. Building and Campus Development Update – Brad Hopper, Director of Physical Plant and Maintenance, gave a construction update. The maintenance department is working in small groups, wearing masks and gloves in order to stay safe. Construction work continues across campus with personnel following all CDC guidelines. The Fisher remodel project faced some supply chain issues but continues to make progress on electrical, ductwork, and ceilings. The Lab Science construction is on schedule and on budget. The roof has been added as well as windows, electrical, plumbing, and sprinklers. The brickwork has been completed on Dogwood Hall. Sheetrock is being installed and the pedestrian bridge construction will begin in Supply chain concerns are being addressed as they arise.
  3. President’s Report – Hogan expressed his thanks to the Board for adapting to the unusual circumstances and for their support and patience. He congratulated Tyler Boughan and Kaitlyn Burroughs for being named the Student of the Month for March and April respectively.
    The naming of the Career Services Center honors Tom Daniels’ legacy and ensures NPC’s mission of student success. Mrs. Mary Daniels was scheduled to be a special guest today but was unable to attend due to the pandemic restrictions. However, we can still express our gratitude to Tom’s lifelong contribution to the College and the city of Hot Springs. There will be a time to celebrate once things return to normal.
    Mr. Martin White, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, will retire at the end of this semester. He was instrumental in developing our criminal justice program. He joined the NPC faculty in 1998 and is known across campus for his kindness and friendship.
    Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) won several awards at the international convention which was held via Zoom. They won Distinguished Chapter, Distinguished College Project, and Top 100 Chapter. The PTK officers recently shared their appreciation for the help students have received from faculty and staff during the pandemic and how much they miss being on campus.
    The pandemic has not stopped the educational process at NPC. Everyone has stepped up to the challenge and worked hard to support students. The IT department was quick to get everyone online, faculty were prepared for the transition, and the communication efforts kept everyone informed. Student Affairs has worked hard to continue enrolling students in a virtual environment.
    Employees will continue to work remotely for the immediate future. We are driving to the Fall semester as if we will be open. There will be a process that balances safety with the critical mission of the College.
    Because we have conservative financial policies and have built up reserves, we are in better shape than most. However, we are still figuring out what the financial impact of the pandemic will be.
    Dr. Hogan thanked the Board for their patience and support. He stated that this obstacle will not stop us from leading our students to success.

Chair Spicher thanked board members for their flexibility. He also thanked Dr. Hogan, the Cabinet, and faculty and staff for keeping things going during the pandemic. Social distancing has been a challenge but everyone is embracing this new component of learning.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:18 p.m

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer