Agendas & Meetings

interior impact

NPC Minutes of the Board of Trustees Meeting

August 28, 2019

The National Park College Board of Trustees met in regular session on August 28, 2019, in the Student Commons Conference Center. Trustees present were Larry Bailey, Mike Bush, Joyce Craft, Gail Ezelle, Jim Hale, Don Harris, Bev Joe, and Forrest Spicher.

Staff and faculty members present were Chuck Argo, Anne Benoit, Josh Boyett, Leslie Braniger, Candice Brasel, Janet Brewer, Juanita Brewer, Mellisa Bryan, Blake Butler, Samantha Christian, Yolanda Cox, Sarah Day, Wade Derden, Adam Earhart, Kelli Embry, Laurie Everton, Roger Fox, Susan Gaither, Bruce Hankins, Mandee Harper, Nicole Herndon, John Hogan, Josh Holiman, Brad Hopper, Lisa Hopper, Jill Houlihan, Gerald Huddleston, Janice Ivers, Erica King, Toni Knupps, Brian Kroening, Julie LaRue, Jennifer Lyons, Jessyca Maddox, Kacy Mathews, Susan Millerd, Sarah Overbey, Karen Parker, Scott Post, Patricia Ramos, Bill Ritter, Melony Ritter, Stephanie Smith, Christina Streeter, Sheryl Strother, Jerry Thomas, Darla Thurber, John Tucker, Lynn Valetutti, Carrie Walthall, Stephanie Warner, Mike Wiles, and Mary Kay Wurm.

Jim Hale presented the invocation.

The media was notified of the meeting. Emily Baccam from the Sentinel Record was present.

Dr. Hogan introduced Marie Linden-Cox who was recently selected as a 2019 Coca-Cola Leader of Promise Scholar. The award comes with a $1,000 scholarship. This year’s recipients were selected by a panel of independent judges from nearly 900 applicants. The selection was based on outstanding academic achievement and demonstrated leadership potential. Marie currently serves as our PTK chapter president, is involved in multiple groups on campus, and dedicates numerous hours to community service. She is the third chapter member, in as many years, to earn this distinction. Dr. Hogan congratulated Marie on her well-deserved achievement.

Items for Action 

  1. Mike Bush made a motion to approve the June 26, 2019 Joyce Craft seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  2. Joyce Craft made a motion to approve the July 24, 2019 special called Mike Bush seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  3. Don Harris made a motion to approve the August 7, 2019 special called Gail Ezelle seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.
  4. Bruce Hankins, Controller, presented the May 2019 financial Don Harris moved to accept the report as presented. Jim Hale seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
  5. Kelli Embry, Vice President for Workforce and Strategic Initiatives, presented the 2019- 2020 proposed High Priority Objectives (HPOs) that are used as an internal measurement of success, allowing the College to benchmark growth in key There were eight HPOs that will measure performance in (1) Student Services (increase the percentage of students persisting from Fall to Spring), (2) Workforce Development, (3) Underserved Students, (4) Student Success (increase the number of credentials earned), (5) Student Access, (6) Fund Raising, (7) Student Success (increase number of students transferring to a four-year college or university), and (8) Fiscal Responsibility. Gail Ezelle moved to accept the 2019-2020 High Priority Objectives (HPOs) as presented. Joyce Craft seconded the motion, and it passed unanimously.
  6. Janet Brewer, Associate Vice President for Human Resources, announced current employees who have moved to new positions on campus. New employees were introduced by their respective supervisors. Ms. Brewer presented the ratifications of personnel Mike Bush made a motion to approve the ratifications as presented. Don Harris seconded, and the motion passed unanimously.

Items for Report

  1. Board Chair Report – Chair Spicher welcomed all of the new He expressed his excitement in seeing all the new faces, both employees and students on campus. NPC has had a great history and has seen a remarkable transformation, which in turn has transformed the community. He gave special thanks to Jim Hale for serving as the chairman of the Building and Campus Development Committee, to those on staff who played a significant role in this process, and to Hill and Cox for doing a remarkable job.
  2. Campus/Building Update – Jim Hale, Chairman of the Building and Campus Development Committee, stated that the Student Commons is substantially complete with only a few tweaks to make inside. The transition of the campus store and offices moving from the Fisher Center to the Student Commons will be taking place in the near future. Food services is running full blast and served nearly 600 people on the first Parking and roadway projects are basically complete. He was proud to report that the fountain is going full blast. The Marine Technology building should be completed by the middle of this semester. The gym floor has been laid and looks phenomenal. The bleachers will be installed before the first game of the season.
    Mr. Hale recognized Brad Hopper for all the work he has done overseeing the various construction projects. Mr. Hopper reported that the excavation and the first retaining wall has been completed for the residence hall. Work has begun on the parking area behind the Fred Dierks building. When completed, there will be 144 parking spaces available.
  3. Kelli Embry, Vice President for Workforce and Strategic Initiatives, shared a presentation about the 2019 summer camps. NPC Community and Corporate Training hosted ten camps this summer. The camps, which spanned over eight weeks, served 140 students ages 6-15 in first through tenth grades. Topics included robotics, feature filmmaking, engineering (two camps), rocketry, drones, fiber arts, Young Manufacturers Academy (YMA), and Nighthawks basketball and softball. Nighthawks basketball camp had the highest number of participants at 50 students, and Nighthawks softball had 28 participants in the first year.
    Ms. Embry stated that a key goal for the camps is to recruit future Nighthawks and to make campers aware of opportunities and programs that NPC has to offer. It is also to spark their imagination, create an entrepreneurial spirit in them through problem-solving activities and teamwork, to provide hands-on learning, and to broaden their knowledge about career opportunities in our region. We are building the next generation of workers, and they will know what NPC has to offer.
    She commended her team, all of the volunteers, and camp coordinator Pam Castleberry for all of their work to organize the camps. The camps are made possible through the generosity of sponsors and grant partners. Corporate sponsors included Berry Global and Radius, Inc., and individual sponsors included Dr. Gordon Watts, and Brenda and Lee Richardson. Grant funds from Nuts, Bolts, & Thingamajigs covered the majority of expenses for the YMA camp, which is in its fifth year. The Arkansas Space Grant Consortium provided support for both engineering camps. These funds also provided 24 students with scholarships to attend camps that they would not have otherwise been able to attend.
  4. 4. President’s Report – Dr. Hogan recognized Mr. Hale for his hard work and commitment to the College and for serving as the Chair of the Building and Campus Development Committee.
    He explained that going forward, we are turning the page strategically. The strategic plan is embedded into everything that happens on campus and the High Priority Objectives determine if we are on track. Kelli Embry leads the Strategic Planning Committee with co-chairs Lisa Hopper and Jennifer Lyons. Bev Joe represents the Board of Trustees and Harris Felton, SGA President, represents the student body on the committee. He thanked all those who serve on the Strategic Planning Committee.
    Dr. Hogan gave an overview of the College’s priorities for the coming year. (1) We will continue to develop and invest in our academic enterprise and workforce programs. (2) The Foundation team will work towards building the annual fund, athletic fund, and generate naming opportunities. Inviting visitors to campus is part of this process. (3) We will address the ERP issue and be resourceful in automating every process that can be effectively automated. (4) Conversations will continue around the expansion of four-year degrees offered on our campus, (5) Development of new processes and adaptations to students living on campus. (6) The NPC and Nighthawk brand will continue to be promoted. (7) We will improve our engagement with students in and out of the classroom as well as engagement with our employees. (8) Development of the plan for Phase II by updating the campus master plan. (9) Implementation of faculty rank. (10) Creation of a stronger link between the budget and the strategic plan.
    Dr. Hogan directed the members to the inside cover of their packets for upcoming important dates.

In closing, Chair Spicher expressed how great it was to meet in the Student Commons and feel the energy and vibrancy on campus.

There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:24 p.m.

Forrest Spicher, Chair
Joyce Craft, Secretary/Treasurer