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NPC Receives Donation From Suzuki Marine

January 30, 2025
Three people standing in front of a Suzuki boat motor.

The National Park College (NPC) Marine Technology program industry partner, Suzuki Marine, recently donated a new 150-horsepower fuel-injected engine valued at $18,000. This engine will be added to the recently donated 2024 AVX 1880 Vexus boat.

Assistant Professor of Marine Technology Delmar Hunter stated, “We are excited to receive this DF-150 engine for our new Vexus boat. The engine is a mechanical throttling shift and is very common around here. It is good for our students to learn how to rig them and put them together. This engine is a nice addition.”

Michael Townley, Suzuki District Technical Service Manager, described the company's support for the Marine Technology program at NPC as beneficial. He stated, “We’re trying to keep everybody up to par, up to a standard. The more we’re giving, hopefully, we’re getting back in return.” Townley acknowledged that a good return was coming from the NPC Marine program.

James Pratt, another Suzuki District Technical Service Manager, praised NPC’s Marine Technology facility and program, saying, “It’s a lot bigger, a lot newer. It’s always nice working with Dino (Hunter).” Pratt emphasized that these donations support the industry, stating, “It’s really for the industry. This industry needs technicians, and this is Suzuki’s way of investing into the future for our industry, so we can have marine technicians there when we need them to service our product.”

Both Pratt and Townley expressed satisfaction with Hunter and the marine program at NPC. Hunter highlighted the impact of Suzuki’s contributions, saying, “Our industry partners really enhance what we can do for students. We couldn’t afford to buy these engines, but donations like this allow us to lead the training for this region.”

Pictured left to right is Hunter, Townley and Pratt.