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Disability Services Offers Support For Student Success

August 29, 2024
Mandee Harper

National Park College’s (NPC) Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) officers interviewed faculty and staff this month to inform students about resources available on campus. This week’s interview is with Mandee Harper, Disability Coordinator with TRIO Student Support Services (SSS).

Harper shared that the faculty and staff at NPC are committed to student success. “Disability Services strives to ensure that all qualified students with disabilities have equal access during their college experience. We foster a philosophy that encourages independence and assist students in realizing their full academic potential. Our continued goal is to maintain an accessible community where students are supported and diversity is celebrated,” said Harper.      

Services available to students with documented disabilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Guidance and Academic Advisement
  • Adapted Testing
  • Alternative Print Formats
  • Adaptive Technology
  • Adaptive Equipment
  • Auxiliary Aids
  • Instructional Strategies
  • Physical Access
  • And more

Harper explained that the process of determining reasonable accommodations is highly individualized. “Based on the documentation provided by the student, we work with the student in an interactive process to implement accommodations based on their needs,” said Harper.

When implementing accommodations in academic settings, collaboration with faculty is key. “During the intake meeting with the disability coordinator, the student is advised to discuss the approved accommodations with each instructor each term,” Harper noted. This discussion can take place via email, in person, or by phone.

Harper emphasized the importance of confidentiality and privacy for students’ disability-related information. “Students have no obligation to disclose their specific diagnosis with instructors. The student will work with the disability coordinator to address accommodation requests. All information is securely stored in the disability coordinator’s office,” Harper assured.

The transition to college life can be challenging for students with disabilities. Harper highlighted that the accommodation process at the college level is different from that in high schools. “This process is discussed during the initial intake with the disability coordinator.”

Harper expressed her passion for her role, “I enjoy working with students. My favorite time of the year is watching students at graduation and later learning about their future employment or educational endeavors,” said Harper.

Harper encouraged students to be proactive in seeking the resources they need. “The accommodation process is available at any place of higher education. It is important to be proactive in obtaining the resources that you need to become successful,” added Harper.

The Disability Services office is located in Room 224 of the Student Commons Building. You are also welcome to call Mandee Harper at 501-760-6388 or e-mail for more information. Learn more about Disability Services.