The National Park College (NPC) Health and Safety Team have purchased emergency response
bags and supplies with a grant from the Elisabeth D. Wagner Foundation completing
the first phase of a plan to equip all campus buildings and employee led response
The grant provided campus building captains in every building on campus with essential
supplies for emergency situations. Campus building captains are not trained first
responders, but employees who have volunteered to help coordinate evacuation, shelter
in place, and lockdown procedures for their buildings. The emergency bags are equipped
with essential safety and security necessities including: a CPR mask, tourniquet,
campus map, a list of AEDs and first-aid kit locations, and more.
“The ultimate goal is to provide each building captain with these supplies and the
grant from the Elisabeth D. Wagner Foundation has allowed us to make the first stride
toward that by supplying one to each building. The supplies within each building captain
emergency response bag are meant to be used by these employee leaders during the time
before first responders arrive to the scene of an emergency,” said Jessica Ellis,
NPC Health and Safety Program Manager.
The Health and Safety Team are working with community partners to provide training
to all employees and students, including CPR/First Aid and Stop the Bleed. “The goal
is to train and equip as many people on campus with the skills and materials they
might need to ensure their own safety and the safety of others at NPC,” added Ellis.