NPC will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
The NPC Board of Trustees met for their regular monthly meeting Wednesday. Vice president for Administration Kelli Embry introduced the campus health, safety and security team who provided an update.
Embry noted that health, safety and security is a priority in the campus’ integrated budget process which includes the strategic plan. The College added a full-time campus health nurse this year and is currently accepting applications for the position.
Associate vice president of Campus Operations, Brad Hopper said he wanted to assure everyone that the College is prepared, but that he and his team want to further improve health, safety and security measures proactively. The team plans to update existing procedures for any areas that need to be amended. The College currently has Garland County Sheriff’s Deputy Jeremy Navra on campus as the school resource officer and also contracts with Gardaworld Security Company to allow for 24-hour security services on campus. The College has a history of working with local law enforcement agencies and has communicated with Undersheriff Lawrence from the Garland County Sheriff’s Office and Chief Chapmond from the Hot Springs Police Department about assessment and training.
Health and Safety Program Manager Jessica Ellis recently completed The Federal Emergency Management Agency’s (FEMA) National Emergency Basics Academy (NEMBA), a program designed to provide foundational education in emergency management knowledge. She has a master’s degree in public health and experience in health and safety for a large multifacility behavioral health organization.
Ellis reported that she is reconvening the Risk Management Task Force to help comprehensively assess the entire campus for risk and vulnerabilities. The team will work to adapt current plans and procedures to eliminate vulnerabilities and conduct exercises to test those plans. She said the team plans to begin with establishing crisis response teams on campus and strengthening the existing building captain program.
Routine trainings for campus will also be a priority including CPR and first aid, automated external defibrillators (AED), mental health and Narcan. Ellis said they hope to provide targeted messaging to specific groups on campus including students, faculty and staff about what they need to do in case of emergencies.
Behavioral Intervention Specialist and Title IX Coordinator, Susan Millerd updated the Board on mental health services. Millerd is a licensed clinical social worker (LCSW) and is trained to use Narcan. She works to reduce the stigma regarding accessing mental health services and responds when someone on campus is displaying mental health issues such as self-harm or uncontrolled anger. Millerd is able to diffuse the situation and provide the individual with resources. She and her intern offer free counseling services to employees and students in the Counseling Center on campus. Millerd shared that mental health has a significant impact of retention and student success.
Millerd also works to help educate students about substance abuse and prevention and coordinates all Title IX activities for the College regarding sexual harassment and assault.
NPC President, Dr. John Hogan said, " The health, safety and security of our students and employees is obviously a very serious matter. We remain committed to providing a safe learning and living environment. This is fundamental to our mission of student success. We will work to continuously improve the way we deliver services to our students."
Board chair, Forrest Spicher added, “The steps we take to prioritize campus health and safety are investments in the student experience. In turn, we are growing our quality of life both here on campus and in our community.”