NPC Names Fox As January Student Of The Month

Headshot of Jessica FoxNational Park College (NPC) named Jessica Fox as the January student of the month. Fox is a Respiratory Therapy student and will graduate in May 2022.

After passing the board exams, Fox plans to work locally while enrolling in a master’s program for hospital administration. Once she obtains some experience, Fox would like to be a traveling respiratory therapist.

Fox is part of the Honors Program at NPC and for her capstone project she was able to obtain a donation of pulmonary function spirographs. These machines are diagnostic tools that measure the movement of gas in and out of lungs. They can be used at the bedside for patients with mobility issues. They can help diagnose and monitor asthma, COPD and other lung diseases.

Paul Lowe, Respiratory Therapy Program Director said, "Jessica Fox was an exceptional leader as an intern for the Respiratory Therapy Program for the fall 2021 semester. Her excellent communication skills, positive outlook and pleasing personality enhance her natural leadership qualities. Her willingness to accept challenges and listen to input enable her to contribute thoughtful, well-reasoned approaches to helping others solve difficult problems among her peers. Her capstone project helped the Respiratory Therapy Program acquire some much-needed equipment for the program. Through donations, she was able to provide two bedside pulmonary function spirographs to replace the units the school was presently using in the classroom. This equipment will help the students be better prepared for when they enter the workforce as Respiratory Therapists after graduation."

“National Park College has become like another family to me,” stated Fox. “The professors care about you and making sure that you learn while you are here. The students in my program look out for each other. Both the students and professors help you when you are struggling and cheer on your success. It’s a great place to learn.”