NPC Announces Poetry Contest Winners

Tikima Simpkins standing behind podium reading her poem "Rise Up."National Park College (NPC) Communication and Arts Division hosted an annual Poetry and Art Review last week. The event included a student art exhibition and a poetry reception.

The student art exhibition showcased approximately 50 pieces of student artwork. Poetry winners for both 2020 and 2021 were published in NPC's poetry publication, the 101, and featured during an on campus reception Friday. Student artists created the artwork and graphic design students designed the layout for the publication.

The 2020 poetry contest winners included first place winner Kayla Sotelo for “Grounding,” second place winner Courtney Williams for “This Day,” and third place winner Sarah Fitsimones for “Dawn’s First Light.”

The 2021 poetry contest winners included first place winner D’Vyne Vance for “Vacancy,” second place winner Whendi Armstrong for “Winter’s Flame,” and third place winner Tikima Simpkins for “Rise Up.”

Communication and Arts Division Chair, Roger Fox said, “We would like to thank all students, faculty and staff who submitted poems for the contest and publication basing their work on this year’s contest theme, ‘Rising Up.’”

Pictured is Tikima Simpkins reading her third place poem titled, “Rise Up.” The complete album of photos from the event is available online.