NPC will be closed January 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Day.
The National Park College (NPC) Board of Trustees approved a 25-year master plan
Wednesday during the regular monthly board meeting. The board reviewed a proposal
of the plan in September during a presentation by architect John McMorran of Lewis
Architects Engineers.
The College hosted a series of public forums in October to solicit feedback for further
shaping and refining the master plan proposal. Renderings, event information and an
online feedback survey were available at Vice President for Administration, Kelli Embry said feedback was almost exclusively
positive. “Most respondents and attendees liked to see that NPC was taking a long-term
view of what is needed for our students and community. The good thing about the plan
is that it allows flexibility for future needs as they emerge.”
Embry noted the feedback is also helping to identify what projects may be prioritized
as part of phase one construction. She noted the need for more residential facilities
was a common theme among students, as well as improving existing athletic facilities.
“Many attendees and respondents confirmed the need to expand housing and athletics
facilities, while others wanted to see more focus on the vocational trades, such as
a new welding facility.”
“An emerging sentiment that was expressed among many was that NPC should continue
to grow and improve facilities to attract more local students to attend both during
and after high school and to attract more young people to our area through expanded
recruitment efforts,” said Embry. She quoted one survey respondent that stated, “It
appears that the plan is trying to reach the holistic wants and needs of student body.”
Embry said that while the College will not be able to include all of the great ideas
gathered, McMorran and his team have used the feedback to come up with a final master
plan. She noted it is just a plan and that things may evolve over the years based
on funding and the emerging needs of the community. “It is a plan that provides inspiration
to us all as we dream about what NPC will be to our students and to this community
over the next two decades.”
NPC Board Chair, Forrest Spicher said, “I appreciate the work and leadership of this
campus to grow our pipeline of future students, provide quality learning opportunities,
and ensure NPC’s financial stability in the years to come.”
NPC President, Dr. John Hogan explained the integrated nature of the master plan noting
it is a result of years of strategic planning and tracking high priority objectives,
all of which ties to the College’s budget investments. He said, “We continue to listen
to the needs and desires of our students and our community. What we heard is that
investments in facilities that support student success should be our priority including
investments in housing, nursing, athletics, welding and other skilled trades. We are
grateful for the positive and encouraging feedback that confirmed we are headed in
the right direction.”