January 11, 2021

NPC State of the College Update

Four students in masks standing in front of doors to Dogwood Hall As we enter the beginnings of 2021 renewed and refreshed from the holiday break, I can’t help but to reflect once more on the leadership and support through what was an unpredictable and unprecedented 2020. Our students have largely persisted, but the resilience and grit of NPC’s faculty and staff have been extraordinary. They met numerous challenges head-on and largely put their fear aside to fulfill the College’s mission.

We gained valuable insight and experiences last year, and we also gained an enhanced perspective of our students’ needs. We know students perform better when provided support services and opportunities to grow both inside and outside the classroom. Academic support, mentoring, internships, financial assistance, and a safe, positive environment are critical to their success. While the ‘campus experience’ wasn’t typical last year, it still occurred through the creative efforts of our faculty and staff.

Now we are preparing for the spring semester and next academic year with that same perspective as our guide. We have outlined overarching areas of focus as we prepare next year’s budget, working from the 2020-2023 Strategic Plan priorities and goals. Those areas directly point back to fulfilling our student success mission.

Campus Health, Safety and Security

The College will invest in personnel and programs that increase the long-term safety and security of our campus while implementing practices that keep students and employees healthy. While there is hope that the global pandemic might subside soon, we must plan for contingencies to put our students in the best position to persist and complete their education.

Academic Enterprise

NPC will make a significant investment in its academic enterprise over the next three years. This will include investments in what we have coined the NPU University Center. We plan to establish additional SAU degrees and pursue additional strategic partnerships to offer 4-year degrees; promote the availability of degrees; provide a physical space for the Center; and employ additional faculty to fill vacancies and add where needed to support 4-year degree programs. We will also assess current program offerings to ensure their NPC students posing in front of stairwell with SAU Mulerider shirts on.viability.

Campus Development

While we have quite a listing of improvements over the past five years, we will continue to identify opportunities to improve on our modern campus. NPC will update the Campus Master Facility Plan and plan for a Learning Commons facility which will encompass library functions, additional classrooms, and study centers. We will also update and expand existing classrooms and labs, finalize a University Center facility to house strategic partners, invest in recreational facilities that support student success, and identify opportunities to improve the aesthetics of campus.

Enrollment Growth, Retention and Completion

NPC will redouble its efforts to grow enrollment by continuously improving our advertising, public relations, and student recruitment efforts. We will emphasize continuous improvement of student services processes; expand advertising and recruitment into new markets, explore the marketing ‘funnel,’ including transparent metrics on that funnel; enhance efforts to recruit from regional high schools for both NPTC and NPC, and expand our Player number 20 making a slam dunk.NJCAA athletic programs, campus intramurals, and club activities.

Workforce Development

The College will further develop the infrastructure and facilities to foster integration of programming between credit, non-credit, and high school technical programs. We will also fully implement the new makerspace and amplify apprenticeship programs and options.

Employee Engagement and Retention

Professional development is and will continue to be key to challenging our already talented pool of employees. We will shift this effort to HR and focus on providing a wider array of opportunities for faculty and staff. We will also explore quality pay initiatives, robust employee support, and performance management initiatives.


The College will continue to actively improve its climate so we can be assured that it is welcoming to all. We will recruit diversity staff to coordinate efforts with community relations, outreach efforts, and evaluation of the existing environment. Doing so will allow us to further focus efforts on recruiting diverse employees and develop supportive programs that encourage persistence and completion of diverse students.

Community Engagement

NPC will invest additional resources in its effort to ensure our long-term viability. We will engage our General Assembly, local governments, the local chamber, and other strategic partners. We receive significant support from these entities, and we must continue to invest in this support.

Automation NPC student sitting in front of computer

The efforts listed above would be futile without a college-wide automation plan to increase efficiency and reduce administrative overhead. We are currently working through the last phases of the PeopleSoft ‘lift and shift’ and will be able to focus on initiatives in HR, Student Affairs, and External Affairs. We will identify additional areas to enhance process automation, as well as find new tools and best practices to support remote learning strategies.


NPC is finalizing preparations for a reaccreditation visit in November 2021. This has been a years-long, campus-wide project that has strengthened us as an institution. When the visiting team arrives to review our work, they expect to see that we do what we say we do with data that has passed all the integrity tests. We are confident that is exactly what they will find.

I hope this discussion has provided you with a larger vision for NPC for the coming year and beyond. We continue to be aggressive in our planning to meet the continued demands of our students. They expect more, and we need to answer that expectation. Our strength has been in listening to our students and keeping them center. They have more to say, so there is more for us to do. I appreciate our campus’ collective ear in this process.