National Park College (NPC) hosted the History After Hours podcast Tuesday. Lakeside
High School instructors Kevin Pumphrey and Ron Franklin moderated the event. NPC instructor
Dr. Christopher Thrasher served as a guest co-host and student Abby Hanks of the NPC
honors program provided technical support.
The audience, in an open microphone forum, selected the topics of this podcast. Audience
questions included topics such as the recent conflict between Senator Alan Clark and
Senator Stephanie Flowers regarding stand your ground laws, the Israeli and Palestinian
conflict, and whether the peer review process in academia limits freedom of speech.
Students from both Lakeside and NPC were survey following the event. They reported
they found the podcast informative and interesting. They enjoyed the relaxed atmosphere
that allowed questions in an open environment.
Pictured from left to right are Ron Franklin, Dr. Christopher Thrasher, and Kevin Pumphrey.