PTK Volunteers At Jackson House

National Park College (NPC) Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) students participated in volunteer activities at the Eleanor Klugh Jackson House Monday for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. Students in PTK honored King by committing their time to preparing and serving lunch to Jackson House visitors.

The Jackson House serves the community with assistance in food, clothing, shelter and medicine. Participants were honored to be a small part of the mission of the Jackson House. “I was blessed to serve our community today alongside some wonderful friends. Every cup National Park College (NPC) Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) students participated in volunteer activities at the Eleanor Klugh Jackson House Monday for the Martin Luther King, Jr. holiday. of soup, every sandwich made was a soul fed,” stated Sarah Duran-Villasenor.

PTK President, Melissa Krafft said, “I was most impacted by the gratitude of the Jackson House visitors. They were very appreciative of our help and expressed their thankfulness all through the day. King’s legacy was one of kindness and service to others. I am appreciative to have had the opportunity to embody King’s servitude toward society here in my community.”

Pictured left to right back row: Nanette Crane-Post – PTK Advisor, Melissa Krafft – PTK President, Jared Homishack – PTK Member, front row: Stephanie Rizzo – NPC Advisor, Sarah Duran-Villasenor – PTK Member.