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Letter to the Community

July 20, 2016
NPC Progress Graphic


July 11, 2016

I’d like to update you on some exciting and promising developments at National Park College. I’ve included an infographic that summarizes some of our highlights from last year and what’s ahead for next year. Our team is striving to provide more high quality learning opportunities which will help students become graduates who contribute to a strengthened workforce in Garland County.

Increased student success is our number one priority. We’re re-organizing our student intake and advising areas and directly linking them with trained professionals to help students stay on track. Full-time faculty are a key factor in promoting student retention and completion, and we’re continuing to invest in courses taught by full-time faculty. In the coming year, we expect to expand intramural sports options, build on our robust music and art programs, and help our students name a new NPC mascot.

The NPC degree program menu has greatly expanded in the past two years, and they all have transfer partnerships which will guarantee a seamless pathway for students to transfer to a university bachelor’s program as a junior. Students choosing this path can cut the cost of their education in half.

We are serious about increasing the numbers and capabilities of our information technology graduates. Our new Innovative Technologies Center was just awarded an $894,000 state grant. Our goal is to align academic programs to meet the needs of local and regional employers and make a measurable impact on Garland County’s economic development potential in the long run.

NPC Foundation’s Gift of Education annual campaign had a successful year. Thanks to your generous support, we are on track to reach this year’s goal of seven figures. We saw growth in high school concurrent enrollment and continue to grow as a leader in regional workforce development. We are proud of our workforce initiatives and appreciate the support from our business and industry partners. I recently asked our Board to approve a facilities master plan. The goal is to make the campus more functional, create updated flexible classroom space, improve navigation between buildings, create a space for students to take care of business efficiently, and address some safety issues. We will begin this process without asking for additional millage funds from Garland County taxpayers.

There is more on the horizon, including new degrees and clearer pathways to advanced degrees that I hope will be offered entirely in Hot Springs on our NPC campus. Thank you for allowing me to serve this great community and work with such an outstanding group of educators. I appreciate your friendship and support.

John Hogan signature


John Hogan NPC President

President's graphic to the community