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NPC News

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NPC Career Center Hosts Annual Job Fair

March 31, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The NPC Career Center will host its annual College to Career Job Fair April 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Fisher Campus Center. Many campus and community partners contribute to the annual event. In preparation for the fair, Career Services hosted a workshop to help students with building a resume. Career Pathways hosted a Job Fair Boot Camp today that allowed students to learn about how to dress for success, resumes and cover letters, interview and job search skills, and grooming tips. The Student Government Association partnered with Adult Education to establish a professional clothes closet on campus that students can access to get professional attire for interviews.

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Go Ahead -- Write on the Walls!

March 30, 2016

Floor to ceiling equations! That was the dream of Math and Science division instructors. Brad Hopper and his team made the idea a reality by painting a wall in LS116 with epoxy paint and turning the wall into a giant white board.

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Cub Scouts Visit NPC

March 30, 2016

Cub Scouts from Pack 318 visited the campus of National Park College to learn more about science. They visited with Dr. Griffin, adjunct chemistry teacher, to learn what scientists do. The scouts, ages 8-10, came prepared with three questions each and were led in a guided experiment. They made observations about vinegar and baking soda experiments with hot vinegar, cold vinegar, and room temperature vinegar. Based on what evidence shows a chemical reaction and the kinetic theory of chemical reactions, they discussed why their observations might have occurred.

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NPC Invests in Enrollment Management, Online Learning

March 30, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, March 30. Items for report included a new degree program, enrollment management update, overview of the budget process, and an investment in quality assessment of online learning. The March Student of the Month was introduced by Learning Acceleration Instructor, Mark Chapel. Dawn Gonzalez, 25, is a Hot Springs resident and mother of three. She has completed 93 hours toward an associate of science degree in education with a cumulative grade-point average of 3.26. She hopes to complete her degree in August 2016 and become an elementary school teacher. A Career Pathways student, Ms. Gonzalez is a National Park College Student Ambassador and work study secretary for the Learning Acceleration Division.

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College Hosts Discovery Day for NPTC, Adult Ed Students

March 18, 2016

NPU Director, Yolanda Mitchell organized an NPC Discovery Day for National Park Technology Center students and Adult Education students this week. Student Affairs staff and faculty from every division on campus gathered in the Southside Student Center and courtyard to demonstrate what their programs have to offer. More than 400 students attended the event, which included hands-on interactive exhibits from Welding, Marine, Automotive, Radiography, Math and Sciences, Industrial Technology, Hospitality and Tourism, Respiratory Therapy, and Nursing.

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GCSPSF Awards 2016 Scholarships

March 17, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The Single Parent Scholarship Fund of Garland County hosted a reception last week for students who were awarded a scholarship for the 2016 spring semester. The program was held in the Southside Student Center at National Park College. Recipients and their families were invited to attend. Dr. John Hogan presented opening remarks and several students shared their stories. The committee approved 17 students to receive the $750 scholarship award, totaling $12,750. Five of the students are first time recipients and all are full time students. 15 of the recipients attend National Park College and two attend Henderson State University.

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Hotel Operations Class Visits Mountain Harbor Resort

March 16, 2016

The Hotel Operations class visited Mountain Harbor Resort in February. The focus of the visit was housekeeping, how it is integral to hotel operations, guest impression and overall reputation of a lodging operation. Lodge manager, Pati Brown and her housekeeping staff greeted the students in the main lodge with warm cookies, coffee and water, and information packets on Mountain Harbor’s property. Owner, Bill Barnes spoke to the group about being born with a drive to serve, and explained that he appreciates each and every one of his employees. Gina Coffey, Head of Housekeeping, had each of her employees introduce themselves and share what they liked best about their job. Almost every employee said they enjoyed meeting people from all different parts of the world and walks of life.

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Aerospace Fabrication and Repair Program Hosted Open House

March 10, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Aerospace Fabrication and Repair (AFAB) program hosted an open house last week in the Aerospace lab. The Greater Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Ambassador’s Club performed a ribbon cutting that followed remarks from NPC President, Dr. John Hogan and project manager, William Polk. Dr. Hogan welcomed Chamber Ambassadors, NPC board members, leaders from the local aerospace industry, leaders from local public schools, workforce and NPC staff. Polk spoke about the new credit program in Aerospace Fabrication and Repair, “which provides students with the entry level knowledge and skills necessary for employment in the local aerospace industry.” Tom Butler, President of Craft Machining and Tooling (CMT) talked about the importance of long term support for the industry through programs like this.

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NPC Hosts ACTM Regional Math Contest

March 9, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Math and Science Division hosted the Arkansas Council of Teachers of Mathematics (ACTM) regional math contest last Saturday. Students competed in five categories including Algebra I, Algebra II, Trigonometry and Pre-Calculus, Calculus, and Statistics. The top three performing students from each category will be invited to compete in the state ACTM contest April 23 at the University of Central Arkansas.

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NPC Film Group Begins Production

March 8, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Film Group began production Saturday for their upcoming film The Photographer . Principal photography will begin this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. in the Liberal Arts building and will include a number of haute couture gowns on loan for the day from Chuck Dodson, who is also playing Bernard Goldman, the fashion agent in the film. The film is about a modern photographer, Johnathan Jenkins played by Steve Helms, who buys an ancient camera that seems to have a presence of its own, pictured left. Other cast members include Joe, his assistant, played by Rahem White, Bernard Goldman, his agent, Anna Karinova, Vogue model, played by Brandi Searcy, Jacob Webb, antique dealer, played by Mason Tabor, and a variety of background actors and day players.

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