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NPC News

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NPC Recognizes Outstanding Award Winners, Retirees

May 20, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) hosted the annual Employee Recognition Day last week. Awards were presented to the Outstanding faculty, staff and alumnus for 2016 and employees were recognized for their years of service, community service, and retirement.

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Sally Carder Technical Fund Donates Automotive Lift

May 4, 2016

The National Park College (NPC) Automotive Technology program received a donation from the Sally Carder Technical Fund to purchase a new automotive lift. The fund is used to support technical programs and equipment needs. To date, the fund has been used to purchase equipment and upgrades for the welding, automotive and marine programs. The lift is a Bend Pak HDS-14LSXE four post hydraulic alignment lift and includes optional hydraulic jacks. It is capable of lifting 14,000 pounds and meets current industry standard for professional repair facilities. It was installed by McDaniel Equipment Company of Little Rock and took about six hours for two professional technicians to install.

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Steve Helms

Visual and Media Arts Hosts Summer Film School

May 3, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Visual and Media Arts program and Continuing Education Department will host a summer filmmaking course for high school students who will be in grades 10, 11, and 12 in the fall. The class will be a thorough introduction to all aspects of filmmaking. The schedule will be four days a week from 9:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m., May 31 to June 26. The fee will be $100 per student. The course will cover aspects of preproduction from scriptwriting to preparation of storyboards. Principal photography will include lessons on camera operation, professional sound procedures, lighting, and more. Post production work will involve all aspects of digital film editing. The last week of the course will cover film promotion, including design of flyers and lessons in creating posters via silk screen printing. The students will have access to professional film equipment including Sony Cine Alta cameras, cinema lenses, professional lighting, and professional sound equipment including mixers, microphones, and booms.

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Nursing Division Hosts Spring Blood Drive

March 8, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Nursing Division hosted its spring blood drive last week. Students, staff and faculty donated 95 units of life-saving blood that could help as many as 285 patients in our area hospitals. Last year in March the spring blood drive gave 83 units of blood. Nursing Division faculty and students volunteered to help with the registration table and keep the process moving quickly for donors. Others helped provide snacks for donors after they gave blood.

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Industrial Technology Program Host Open House

February 19, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Industrial Technology Program hosted an open house this week in the new Industrial Technology Lab. The Greater Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce Ambassador’s Club performed a ribbon cutting that followed remarks from program director William Polk, associate vice president for technical education, David Hughes, NPC President, Dr. John Hogan, and representatives from Berry Plastics. Using a federal Department of Labor Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College Career Training ( TAACCCT ) grant, the College created the Industrial Technology program, which is specifically tailored to help close the skills gaps of local manufacturing employers. NPC collaborated with Berry Plastics, industry and grant partner, to create scheduling and sequencing to accommodate employees’ work schedules and provide targeted services to ensure success. Chuck Overton, Berry Plastics Director of Maintenance Operations discussed the impact the program has made including a measurable employee difference.

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NPC Director of Financial Aid Elected to NASFAA Board

February 4, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Director of Financial Aid, Lisa Hopper was recently elected to the National Association of Financial Aid Administrators (NASFAA) Board. She will serve a two-year term that will begin July 1, 2016. She faced opponent, Jack Edwards, Director of Financial Aid for Stanford University Graduate School of Business for the position of Representative-At-Large. She believes her experience and advocacy efforts for community colleges ultimately helped her earn the votes she needed.

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NPC Welcomes Dr. Jerry Thomas as VP Student Affairs

January 27, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Board of Trustees held their annual meeting and regular monthly meeting on Wednesday, January 27, 2016. Items for report included new hires, new degree programs, an update on the Foundation’s year-end report, and an overview of recent and upcoming campus events. During the annual meeting, the Board elected new officers, appointed standing committees and adopted the calendar for the year. Gene Parker was appointed Chairman, Ray Donathan was appointed Vice Chairman and Gail Ezelle was appointed Secretary/Treasurer.

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National Park College Partners with HSSD to Offer Adult Education Services in the Jones Administration Building

January 21, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Adult Education Department has partnered with the Hot Springs School District (HSSD) to offer Adult Education programs at the Jones Administration Building in Hot Springs. The HSSD Board of Directors approved the agreement at their regular monthly meeting on January 19. Beginning Monday, January 25 programs including GED preparation, English as a second language (ESL) classes and workplace skills training through the W.A.G.E. program will be open to the community.

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