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NPC News

Governor Announces Regional Alliance between NPC, COTO, Henderson State

Governor Announces Regional Alliance between NPC, COTO, Henderson State

January 4, 2017

Little Rock, Arkansas – Governor Asa Hutchinson announced the Southern Arkansas Regional Alliance (SARA) Wednesday between National Park College (NPC), College of the Ouachitas (COTO), and Henderson State University. The institutions collaborated to form the alliance in response to the Governor’s Closing the Gap 2020 master plan for higher education. The goal of the regional alliance is to create an innovative, collaborative, 21st century delivery model for higher education and workforce development initiatives in Arkansas that will prioritize student success, degree attainment and workforce development ahead of tradition and turf. The agreement also includes strategies for creating institutional efficiencies through shared resources.

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NPC Marine Program Partners With Yamaha

May 2, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Marine Technology program has entered into a fourth partnership with Yamaha. Last month, the program announced new agreements with Indmar Marine, Mercury Marine and BPR Evinrude to expand student access to training materials and equipment. Students will have access to the complete online Yamaha training program, as well as hands-on service skills training at the Yamaha headquarters in Kennesaw, Georgia.

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SGA Visits State Capitol

April 29, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Student Government Association (SGA) visited the state capitol this week. Students toured the capitol complex, observed legislative committee meetings and House and Senate sessions. The day included a visit with Governor Asa Hutchinson. SGA President, Roger Powell presented the Governor with a resolution on behalf of the student body thanking him for his support of higher education. The resolution was also presented to Senator Bill Sample, Senator Alan Clark, Representative John Vines, Representative Bruce Cozart, and Dr. Brett Powell, Director of the Arkansas Division of Higher Education.

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NPTC Student Awards

NPTC Celebrates Student Success

April 29, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park Technology Center (NPTC) held its annual awards program Thursday, April 21, in the Eisele Auditorium of the Frederick M. Dierks Center for Nursing and Health Sciences. The auditorium was standing room only as family, friends, local school officials and NPTC faculty and staff watched more than 100 students being recognized for their efforts and achievements. Students from Lake Hamilton, Lakeside, Cutter-Morning Star, Jessieville, Hot Springs, Fountain Lake, Mountain Pine, and Caddo Hills High Schools received awards. Students received recognition for the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS), Student Government Association (SGA) Campus and Community Service Award, Technical Excellence, CHAMPION/Work Ethic and Outstanding Student.

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Communication and Arts Hosts Seventh Annual Poetry Contest

April 27, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) Communication and Arts Division hosted the seventh Annual Poetry Contest last week in the NPC Library. Contest winners are selected anonymously by the English faculty. On average, the contest has about 25 entries each year. This year’s winners included, Steven Barber, first place for his poem, Midline; Ken Cooper, second place for his poem, Katesville Mills; and Steven Joe Echols, third place for his poem, With You.

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NPC Continues to Expand Transfer Options for Students

April 27, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) held their regular monthly meeting Wednesday, April 27. Items for report included updates on new degrees and transfer agreements, campus development and events. The Board welcomed new hire, Cari Elliott. Mrs. Elliott is the new graphic artist for External Relations.

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NPC Students Earn 11 SkillsUSA Medals

April 20, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – National Park College (NPC) students competed in the SkillsUSA Arkansas Leadership and Skills Championship last week at the Hot Springs Convention Center. The annual competition saw over 1800 competitors from around the state that competed in over 100 contests at the high school and college levels. Students winning gold medals during the competition earned the right to compete at the national SkillsUSA Championships and Leadership Conference in Louisville, Kentucky, June 20-24. A total of 33 students represented NPC during the competition. National Park Technology Center (NPTC) high school students garnered seven medals, and NPC welding students earned four medals.

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NPC Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society Earns Five Star Chapter Award

NPC Phi Theta Kappa Honors Society Earns Five Star Chapter Award

April 15, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The National Park College (NPC) Alpha Beta Psi Chapter of the Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society was recognized as a Five Star Chapter during the 2016 Nerd Nation International Convention in Washington DC. Advisors, Caleb Grisham and Nannette Crane-Post received the Distinguished Regional Advisor Team award for the Oklahoma/Arkansas Region of Phi Theta Kappa. The Five Star Chapter recognition is awarded to chapters who complete the designated plan that involves local campus involvement and progresses to regional and international involvement. Students have an opportunity to build relationships with campus leaders and gain organizational skills.

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NPC Remembers Dr. Tom Spencer, Past President

April 11, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – With great sadness and heavy hearts, the Board of Trustees, faculty, staff and students of National Park College (NPC) remember the legacy of Dr. Tom Spencer, past president of NPC. Dr. Spencer passed Saturday evening. He was a quiet, humble leader with a lifelong love of learning. He had a calming demeanor and is best remembered for his fiscal responsibility and deep dedication to student success. He was a stabilizing presence for the College during a time of great change. Many remember his ability to recognize and nurture potential in others and his drive to advocate for those who had difficulty speaking up for themselves.

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NPC Career Center Hosts Annual Job Fair

March 31, 2016

Hot Springs, Arkansas – The NPC Career Center will host its annual College to Career Job Fair April 7 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the Fisher Campus Center. Many campus and community partners contribute to the annual event. In preparation for the fair, Career Services hosted a workshop to help students with building a resume. Career Pathways hosted a Job Fair Boot Camp today that allowed students to learn about how to dress for success, resumes and cover letters, interview and job search skills, and grooming tips. The Student Government Association partnered with Adult Education to establish a professional clothes closet on campus that students can access to get professional attire for interviews.

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