Social Sciences

Male student handing another male student a textbook

Program Overview

The Social Sciences program offers associate degrees in several disciplines which include Anthropology, Geography, History, Social Work, and Sociology. The program also prepares you to continue your studies through transfer opportunities to the University of Arkansas Little Rock (UALR) and to the University of Central Arkansas (UCA.)

Course Delivery and Structure

Courses are offered on-campus and some are offered online. See Class Schedules for information about the many courses offered online and in the evenings.

All courses shown in the Catalog for each individual degree program are required. Courses should be taken in the sequential order shown in the Graduation Map.

Degrees for Transfer - Start Here / Finish There or Online

Job Opportunities


  • Diversity Officer
  • Interpreter/Translator


  • Geographer
  • Surveyor

Geospatial Technology

  • Conservationist
  • Geographic Information Systems Analyst


  • Paralegal/Legal Assistant
  • Public Official


  • Community Services Professional
  • Market Researcher

Social Work

  • Family Service Worker
  • Licensed Social Worker


  • Media Planner
  • Policy Analyst