Endowed Scholarships

Students working at desks

National Park College Foundation provides financial support to National Park College and its students through donor partnerships and raising funds for scholarships, buildings, and programs that make a difference in the lives of our students, their families, and the Hot Springs community.

The following funds have been created through the generous donations of NPC Foundation partners to provide perpetual scholarships, awards, and emergency aid. If you would like to donate to an established fund or create a scholarship to honor or in memory of someone, please contact Nicole Herndon.

NPC Foundation is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

Endowments and Named Funds

AFA Legacy
Arkansas Travelers Scholarship
Artist Workshop
Bernard Nugent Nursing
Bill Ogden Memorial
Bob D. and Dana M. Lambert Math/Science
Bob and Doris Hawthorne
Bonita Russell Art Memorial
C. Dale Whitman Nursing
Capital Improvements
Charlotte Phelps Nursing
Chartwells Hospitality Scholarship
Chester Garrett Automotive
CHI St. Vincent Pathways to Excellence
Clinical of Excellence Award
Diana's Dollars
Dennis Pickering Welding
Don Munro Philanthropic Endowment
Dora Jane Ellis
Dr. Kenneth J. Cook English
Dr. Nizar Suleman
Dr. Van Davis Memorial
Educating Women for the Future
Elisabeth D. Wagner Foundation
Fawnda Broach RN Memorial
Fitzpatrick Memorial Nursing
Frances Elizabeth Iverson Nursing
Frank Buys
Frederick M Dierks
Freman Augustus Ericson Nursing Scholarship
Gail Pratt Fraiser Nursing
Gay Garner Simmons Memorial
General Foundation
Geraldine Zachary Memorial
Ginger and Rustin Burns Nursing
Helping Hands
Inspire To Be The Best Scholarship
Jackson Nursing
James Russell Godwin, Sr. Nursing
James Olmedo Family Nursing
Jan and Paul Grasse Nursing
Jannetje Osterlee-Korteweg Memorial Respiratory Therapy
Jesse Garrett Memorial
Jim and Linda Castaldi Nursing
Jim Yeargan
Joe and Betty Harrison
Joel Yarberry Memorial
John and Helen Selig
Joseph C. Brown Memorial Nursing


Judge Henry Britt Lakewood Healthcare Endowment
June Westmoreland Smith
Junius M. and Peggy J. Stevenson
Kay Holden Memorial
Kristy Carter Book Scholarship
Larry and Peggy Stanley STEM Scholarship
Fostering the Future
Lee and Brenda Richardson
Lotus Club
Luciew Military Service
M.R. Springer Radiology
Maartje van den Heuvel Memorial Nursing
Machine Tool
Martin Eisele Nursing
Math and Science
Max Wehunt Memorial Nursing
Nighthawk Athletics
The Nightingale
NPC Foundation Single Parent
Nurses are Heroes
The Olds Foundation Nursing
Penelope's Path
Phillip Jamison Educational Fund
Practical Nursing Spirit
Press On Engineering Scholarshi
Princess Nora Memorial
Quapaw Technical
Ray and Patricia Smith Memorial Scholarship
Ray and Willodene Donathan 
Ray Cevela Caring Hearts Nursing
Relda Steelman Nursing
Rex V. McMahan Family
Robbie & Jay Hays Memorial
Robyn Lynn Megahan
Roger Phillips Memorial Scholarship
Roscoe and Butch Davis Memorial Scholarship
Dr. Sally Carder Technical
Sawyer-Watts Professional Development
Scott Family Graphic Design
Seiz Sign Company
Serve Like Anna
Sherree Hughes Memorial
Spirit of NPC Award
St. Joseph's Alumni Nursing
T.L. & Irene Core Memorial for Health Sciences
Teresa J. Buck Memorial Nursing
Tim Finchman Criminal Justice
Vincenzo Carmini Pascale for Culinary Arts
Vivienne Rose Iverson Nursing
Wanda Reese Hospitality
The Wencel Trust
Wehunt Housing Scholarship
William D. and Carma A. Stroupe Memorial
Windgate Need-Based Scholarship
Women's Welcome Club